Background of the Study Literature is a vague term of writing, which belongs to the major genres: epic, drama, lyric, novel, short story, ode and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest (Cuddon, 1985:365). Novel is one of literature genre; novel always has its own unique story that makes the reader curious to know the entire story or even to analyze it. Every novel that is made by the author has different message to deliver. The writer usually tries to write a novel because he or she has a certain purpose to make the readers have the same feeling to what the writers feel.
Problem Identification In Around the World in Eighty Days, Jules Verne described the live of man and a scientist in an adventure around the world with his servant in just 80 days. In this novel, we can find out the characters of Phileas Fogg a man who dares to accept the challenge to travel around the world in 80 days.
Problem of the study What are the characters of Phileas Fogg in Around the World in Eighty Days? What factor caused Phileas Fogg accepts the challenge to circle the globe in eighty days?
Objective of the Study The objective of the study is to describe the characteristics of Phileas Fogg in Around the World in Eighty Days. And display the factor that caused Phileas Fogg accepts the challenge to circle the globe in eighty days.
Significance of the Study This study is hoped to give some advantages for the next writers who want to analyze novels. For the society, this study is hoped to open our point of view and see that world are rich with culture and social interact.
THEORETICAL REVIEW The Definition of Literature Definition of Novel Definition of Character Definition of Psychological Approach Definition of Personality Definition of goal or objective Goal and types of goals Definition of Self-determination
RESEARCH METHOD This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The use of this method is due to aim of the study and problem of the study in table of content. This qualitative research involves the use of qualitative data, such as notes of interviews, internet data, Around The World In Eighty Days book, psychological books, to understand and explain the phenomena.
Source of the Data This research uses the data from one novel by Jules Verne work’s the title is “Around The World In Eighty Days”. This novel is the source of the data, because the research object that is analyzed by the writer is concerned about the problem in this novel. The other data sources are internet service, cliff-notes, notes, psychological books and papers.
Data Collection Procedure The procedures of collecting the data for this study are: Reading the novel of “Around The World In Eighty Days”. Identifying and underlining the sentences that show factors caused Phileas Fogg accepts the challenge to circle the globe in eighty days. Identifying and underlining the sentences that relate to the psychological factors caused Phileas Fogg determined to reach his goal. Drawing a conclusion about the findings.
Data Analysis Procedure Data Collection Data Reduction Data display Conclusion Drawing and Verification
Conclusion The psychological factors that caused Phileas Fogg decided to accept the challenge and reach his goal are as follows: Phileas Fogg is very confident Phileas Fogg lives a modest life with habits carried out with mathematical precision Mr. Fogg is always calm in the novel not once in this novel does he show any anxiety or nervousness Phileas Fogg is a kind hearted man Phileas Fogg has great self-determination He never back from his word when anyone challenge him
Suggestion The novel Around The World In Eighty Days gives the readers many valuable meanings. This novel let the readers know that man’s determination has unlimited power and has surpassed distance and time. If someone have the confidence, determination, and calm when facing a problem he will be able to surpass it and achieve his goal. In analyzing the novel, the writer expected the next writer to be better and deeper in its scope thought and analysis by using another approaches as more information of human minds and behavior.