The European Test Publishers Group( ETPG) was founded in 1991and has grow and changed over the last two decades. Our Mission is to promote high quality psychometric testingpractices in Europe. We have 26 full and associate members 2
Our Values: Evidence based Professionalism Openness and transparency Innovation Socially engaged 3
Dragos Iliescu: What are the benefits of copyright Juergen Hogrefe: What is copyrightable Natasa Ko: An effort to work with Hungarian psychological organisations Joanna Stanczak: Drawing a good model for addressing the issue from the Polish experience 4
Why Now ? Duty to protect copyright holders Developments in testing Developments in international law Internationalisation Cases of copyright abuse Use of old tests to make high stakes decisions 5
Contact us: gives contact details for all national members or to contact ETPG’s secretary 6