Mike Anderson Luis Andrade Kitty Christen George Crespo Michelle Fredrich Marisol Hernandez Vessela Jivkova Kathleen Lyons Barbara Piszczek Tricia Taylor Mentor – Joe Sabado
Out of the UC System, UCSB is the only campus that is not utilizing mobile technology as part of its home page platform.
Cohort G’s project goal is to provide the entire UCSB community (faculty, staff, students, alumni, and visitors) with a “digital welcome mat” to our great institution through a state-of-the- art mobile website for UCSB’s home page, giving us GauchoGo!
Serve as a bridge prior to the launch of UCSB’s new home page, part of the rebranding process. Foster a feeling of community within the UCSB campus by linking people across campus. Help with the recruitment of students and faculty by providing an easier online experience. Assist visitors with a more robust experience online.
Generate a mobile home page with minimal changes – it will serve as a bridge prior to the relaunch in two years, using MWF. Engage service areas and departments on campus to populate pages. Provide pages necessary to assist staff, faculty, students, and visitors.
January 2014 Contacting other UC campuses to gather data, including: Traffic data for each mobile feature offered The type of platform used for mobile access Costs, resource availability, and satisfaction with mobile program
Lessons Learned We had four campuses respond to our survey: Berkeley, UCLA, Riverside, and UCSD. The campuses that responded have had their sites up, at least in Beta, for approximately 3 YEARS The websites use the UCLA framework, and were developed in house. The most popular pages are: campus directories, maps, courses, and athletics. Other notable pages were bookstore hours, library, and campus events. Minimal hours are required for maintenance – most of the pages are linked from other departments who maintain the content. Most are gearing toward a responsive website, if they do not offer it already.
February 2014 Survey of UC Santa Barbara Survey will be sent out to the S-List, within various departments, and via Student Affairs to reach all current students. Cohort members collected incentives to encourage participation in survey. Identify UCSB resources available for use Web Hosting – Utilizing services available through UCSB Library. Work closely with AVC John Longbrake of UCSB Public Affairs to ensure project aligns with UCSB’s long-term vision plan. Project sponsored by UCSB Public Affairs
February 2014 Identify UCSB resources required for use Developers/Graphic Designers – to be identified We Would like to engage the key players of the Web Standards Group to design the site. Content Managers – to be identified, based on availability of mobile responsive sites.
March 2014 Analysis of Data Collected Design Phase Final Presentation April 2014 Beta Testing Live Website
With approval, Cohort G can assist UCSB in linking existing resources into one streamlined experience.
Arts and Lectures - Counseling and Psychology Services “Say Something Project” - Financial Aid - Housing & Residential Services - Library - Resource Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity - Student Health Center -
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