Deb Kitchener Pat Whitehouse Digital Portfolios for Leadership and Learning
Growing Success Teachers will obtain assessment information through a variety of means, which may include formal and informal observations, discussions, learning conversations, questioning, conferences, homework, tasks done in groups, demonstrations, projects, portfolios, developmental continua, performances, peer and self-assessments, self-reflections, essays, and tests.
Why are you interested in digital portfolios?
"ePortfolios... are personal online spaces for students to access services and store work. They will become ever more useful as learners grow up and start moving between different types of learning and different institutions" Secretary of State for Education and Skills, UK, January
ABEL Gportfolio -Student domain -Intentional portfolio’s
Best Job in the World Reflective Practice: How did you contribute to the learning of others? What did you learn from others?
ePortfolios User Centred Personalized Promotes life long learning Allows for self reflection Excellent for professional portfolios Organizer for multiple formats
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