Europe 1920s and 1930s British Empire Egypt India
British Empire and Egypt
British Problems in Empire Parts of British Empire want to rule themselves Since 1882 British controlled Egypt Nationalist mov’t under Wafd Party 1922 Egypt declared independent
Ethiopia taken over by Italy! Egypt scared Sign Anglo- Egyptian Treaty *indepen dence to Egypt * British military bases in Egypt
Google Earth
As part of LoN Mandate, British Empire was to include a Zionist homeland in Palestine - home for Jews. Balfour Declaration promised this homeland. Strongly shapes British foreign policy. EXCEPT…… British had also promised to create an independent Arab nation… Tension b/w Arabs and Jews. Britain limits # of Jews to appease Arabs Then WWII comes & nothing gets resolved
British Empire and India
Living Like a Maharajah
Darjeeling Railroad, 1880s
Karachi, 1896
Rise of India Nationalism
The Indian National Congress 1885 The Indian National Congress was founded in Bombay. swaraj “independence.” * the goal of the movement.
The Indian National Congress but the mov’t is split between Hindu and Muslim Indians…. and the mov’t is divided on how to break away from the British Empire - is that a smart thing? the mov’t is split on how to design the new independent India. Socialist? Democracy?
The Muslim League 1905 partition of Bengal based on religions and languages. 1906 creation of the Muslim League. Formed by Muslims suspicious of Hindu- majority Indian National Congress
Important Leaders Mohammed Ali Jinnah Mohandas Gandhi Jawaharlal Nehru
Mohammed Ali Jinnah Originally supported Indian National Congress but became increasingly unhappy with discriminations against Muslims and would eventually call for a separate Muslim state….
Young Mohandas K. Gandhi,
Gandhi with the London Vegetarian Society, 1890
Gandhi as a Young Barrister in Natal
Gandhi as a Lawyer in Johannesburg, So. Africa Very successful in creating laws to protect Indians living in South Africa from discriminations
Gandhi Returned to India 1915 with goal of making India independent from England WWI raging and Gandhi supported British during the war w/ belief British would support Indian independence after WWI HE WAS WRONG 1919, near end of WWI, British troops attacked and killed hundreds of peaceful Indian protestors in town of Amritsar. This sparks the beginning of India’s nationalistic mov’t using civil disobedience
Salt March, 1930 Making Salt
Gandhi During World War II Gandhi again promised support to the Allies in exchange for a promise of independence But the English gov’t jailed Gandhi for most of the war After World War II, Gandhi was released and he began negotiating for an Indian independence Britain wanted divided lands - Muslim section - Pakistan and Hindu section - India Gandhi wants unified India
Gandhi Gandhi protests in peaceful ways for a unified country of India
Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu radical who was upset with the possibility of a unified India composed of Hindu and Muslim people
Gandhi and His Grandaughters, 1947
Last Viceroy of India Lord Louis & Lady Edwina Montbatten
The Partition The Mountbatten Plan
Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru Nehru is India’s 1st official prime minister after independence is declared in 1947 Seen as Gandhi’s heir in he followed the same beliefs and goals as Gandhi advocated many modern advances for women such as right to divorce