The Latest on the World’s Largest Social Networking Site Presentation by: Bill Lage, Marketing Technology Manager RE/MAX North Central June 17, :00am – 11:00am June 17, :00pm – 3:00pm
Bill Lage ext These slides are available at
1. What is new? 2. Integration Ideas into your blog/website 3. Tips to get more FANS on your Facebook Page 4. Resources 5. Q & A
Popup Notifications Will popup when you receive a notification. Trying to get in front of people who are logged in.
Like Button Facebook changed it on pages from “Become a Fan” to “LIKE” to make it more light for people. Thought was more people would say they LIKE vs BECOMING A FAN of pages. With the new button, Facebook also announced new connectivity functions with facebook and external websites.
Examples of integration (LIKE your favorite movies) (LIKE box in action) (Recommendation Box) Like box with links to all of their franchisees facebook sites. your_facebook_page_profile_picture/ Add tabs – STATIC FBML Get More Fans “LIKES” Profile graphic - Maximize the space it gives you!
Tips to Get More Fans 1. Engage 2. Interact with them 3. Tag people 4. Ask them to “LIKE” your page 5. Landing Tab/Welcome Tab 6. Signatures 7. Link from your profile
Resources – Cool Fan Pages Social Media Examiner Fan Page Secrets
Resources – Cool Links facebook-like-button-social-plugins-to- wordpress-posts/ integration-is-the-future-a-jesse-stay-interview/ ways-to-increase-your-facebook-fanbase/