The Net Generation has evolved! Communication Generation Technological Innovations Changing the World: Social Media
Is Social Media Overhyped?
Social Networking… Innovation Development Process 1 Development Process 2 Decision Process 3 Adoption 4 Attributes 5 Critical Mass
Need… 21 st Century Technological Innovations Re-engineering the workforce of the future ▫Effecting nature and characteristics of workforce ▫Increasing level of productivity ▫Creating concern over: Continued U.S. leadership in science and technology and Fear of dwindling labor pool Concern about size and adequacy of U.S. scientific, technical, engineering and mathematics workforce
21 st Century Workforce…
Research… Social networking sites… ▫Starting point is the individual or group ▫Shares information and resources that are originally developed for themselves Individual develops and modifies ▫Makes tool available for others to use
Development… Schools should reflect the world we live in… Education needs to teach kids the powerful ways networking can change the way they look at education, not just their social lives Students must now become: ▫Effective collaborators ▫Interact with people around them ▫Engaged, and informed twenty-first-century citizens.
Social Networking Timeline Early 90’s Electronic bulletin boards; Commercial online services CompuServe, first on-line chat system (very costly 30+ per hour) America Online: “You’ve got mail!” Mid 90’s IRC, ICQ and Instant Messaging increase in popularity and become a mainstream hit Private Internet Service Providers (ISP) UseNet for center for high-end discussions Late 90’s Napster peer to peer file sharing MP3 Downloads 1997 First social network site: SixDegrees st Social Networking sites: Friendster/MySpace/FaceBook “Social News Sites” gain critical mass: Slapshot/Digg/StumbleUpon/Reddit Present Move away from static web pages to real time stream of status updates Mobile Web Browsers, I-Phone, BriteKite Real-time social media to collaborate, communicate and create with others Twitter
Brett Borders… Social Media Timeline
Knowledge… K-12 education needs to join the vibrant worldwide conversation about how to educate students for a 21st century future ▫Social media provide development of higher order thinking skills such as create, evaluate, analyze, critique, debate and verify through the use of 21 st century tools “ Educate youth. Give them the positive ideas of knowledge and science. You will succeed in getting the enlightenment of the future for them.” Unknown: (1927)
Maximize resources…
Diffusion of Innovation… Critical Mass
Rate of Adoption… Relative speed with which an innovation is adopted by an organization Number of individuals who adopted an idea in a specified time period Perceived Attributes ▫Key Innovators ▫Innovators: “Heat seekers” ▫Early Adopters: “Role models” ▫Early Majority: “Not the first nor the last” ▫Late Majority: “Show me the proof” ▫Laggards: “This too shall pass” Adopt Time Consequences
4 Steps to Critical Mass 1 Look for organizational champions 2 Individual’s perceptions of innovation 3 Target innovative groups 4 Incentives for early adopters
Change Process… Change Agent Achieve Terminal Relationship Develop Need Exchange Information Diagnosis Problems Create Intent Intent into Action Stabilize
Innovation Process…
Decentralized Approach/Diffusion Network Local Level Support Teachers Classroom Teachers
Considerations… It is not about us… It’s not about our personal or professional priorities and preferences, our discomfort levels, or any of that other stuff that has to do with us. It’s about our students: our children and our youth who deserve at the end of their schooling experience to be prepared for the world in which they’re going to live and work and think and play and be. That’s the obligation of each and every one of us. No educator gets to disown this. We can’t let educators off the hook. Not a single one. So keep that fishhook firmly wedged in their mouths. Keep tugging them along on the line. Keep scooping them up in our nets. Feed them tasty tidbits if need be. Do whatever it takes to make this happen. But insist on them doing the same.” Scott McLeod
Ready to set the hook?