Month Day Year Highly Effective School Library Programs Creating a Recipe for Success
Outcomes Elements of the revised and rebranded program Key ingredients for success Shifts in Practice for 21 st century
Great School Library Ingredients? 3
Highly Effective School Library Program
5 Use the Evaluation Rubric to assess your program.Evaluation Rubric Select two or three areas for improvement and formulate these into goals aligned with your school’s SIP. Use these goals to fill out the Action Plan and upload on the HESLP wikiAction PlanHESLP wiki
Teacher-Leaders View Principal as a Collaborative Partner
We do not ask your overall rating I got 15 ineffectives!!
More inclusive than Power Library Model Cohort for anyone to participate (pilot year) Access to HESLP wiki to view others’ action plans, see web presence ideas, view applications of those who earned recognition…. Just let us know, and you’re in!! Participation
Final product that shows measurable evidence of how you met your goals We tell your principal what you are doing, ask for 8 hour donation, and provide link to your action plan and final product. Personalized professional growth in 2-3 rubric areas with help of your peers Develop a school-UIP aligned Action Plan and upload to wiki
Action Plan Template
Your school-aligned “Action Plan”A link to your library websiteMultimedia Presentation (3 minutes) Two letters of recommendation (one has to be from principal or direct supervisor).
Recognition – Rigorous Process with Higher Rewards
Key Ingredients Risk-Taking LeaderPersistent Collaborator
Key Ingredients Instructional/Digital Literacy Coach - Persistence and Patience needed! Innovative (Risk-Taker)
“Traditional libraries were viewed as the grocery store…”
....but, 21 st century libraries are viewed as the kitchen.” Joyce Valenza
Shift in Practice is Essential
Ensure Today’s Students Thrive in 21 st -century Workforce
Elements of the Revised/Rebranded Program Key Ingredients for Success Shifts in Practice for 21 st century Evidence Outcomes of Today
Becky Russell, MLIS |Certified School Librarian/21st C. Skills Specialist | Colorado Department of Education | | OR Judy Barnett| Highly Effective School Library Coordinator | Colorado Department of Education | | or | CONTACT INFORMATION