How do I get Promoted?
Seaman Apprentice: ____ Favorable teacher recommendations ____ Have satisfactory disciplinary record ____ Successfully demonstrate individual drill proficiency as a marcher ____ Maintain a “C” average or better in all classes ____ Wear the uniform when required and meet uniform regulations ____ Successfully complete nine weeks of NJROTC
Seaman: ____ Favorable teacher recommendations ____ Successfully demonstrate proficiency in squad drill as a marcher ____ Maintain at a “C” average or better in all classes ____ Have satisfactory disciplinary record ____ Successfully complete a semester of NJROTC
Petty Officer Third Class: ____ Meet the requirements of Seaman plus: ____ Pass the PFT (Modified) ____ March an unarmed squad from memorized drill card ____ Participate in at least two NJROTC activities ____ Successfully complete a semester and a half of NJROTC
Petty Officer Second Class: ____ Meet the requirements of Petty Officer 3 rd Class plus: ____ Be an active team member or have a billet a department ____ Demonstrate sword manual ____ Successfully complete two semesters of NJROTC ____ Be very involved in community service
Petty Officer First Class: ____ Meet the requirements of Petty Officer 3 rd Class plus: ____ Drill an armed platoon from a memorized drill card ____ Continue to be very actively involved in community service and school support efforts
Chief Petty Officer/Officer: __ Sustained Superior Performance __ SNSI/NSI Selection