Justice Assistance October 6, 2009
Management Information System (MIS) upgraded – separating all remaining FVI components. Purchased computer system with help of the June Rockwell Levy Foundation.
Reconfigured and upgraded office space with particular focus on development and intern areas. Revamped with the help of RDW Group. Improved the organization’s development capabilities through social network and blog training.
Provided technical assistance to develop the State of Rhode Island Victim Assistance Portal.
Completed the sixth and final year of the National Institute of Health initiative to study the causes and treatment of domestic violence in collaboration with Brown University and Butler Hospital.
Representation on the State Justice Commission. Representation on the Batterers’ Intervention Oversight Committee. Representation on the Joint Legislative Commission to Study Sex Offender Legislation in Rhode Island.
59% of all domestic violence referrals complete batterers intervention program. 16% increase in restitution collection rate. 3% increase in community service completion rate.
Increased wages for all professional and support staff for sixth consecutive year. Salaries surpassed 85% of the comparable state positions goal; exceeded New England average of comparable positions by 27%. In-house quality assurance and error-free evaluation process instituted to determine annual employee wage adjustments.
Expanded our direct mail annual fund campaign to 700 prospects. Increased management contract income by 75%. Increased rental income by 1%.
Private program income decreased by 23%. The first decrease in 5-years. Debt service increased by $15,177, the first incurred debt in over 10-years.
Government support totaled 44% of the operating budget – 8% federal and 36% state. Service fee collection decreased by 28% - transactions increased by 2%. Special event fundraising decreased by 16%.
Entered a collaborative relationship with Executive Technology Partners to create ‘Advanced Justice Systems’ to market the AMS-SCRAM transdermal continuous monitoring device to reduce alcohol abuse.
Enter into a collaborative relationship with MADD and the RI Task Force on Highway Safety to reintroduce legislation supporting the use of ignition interlock systems to reduce drunk driving.
Entered into negotiations with Seven Hills Foundation to create a business collaborative that would expand the organization’s service footprint and reduce operating expenses through purchasing scales. Congressman Patrick Kennedy announced a $200,000 Congressionally Selected Grant to research offender tracking through technology, identify best practices and develop a blueprint for implementation within the state.
6,490 clients received program services in fiscal year ,548 were new court-based enrollments.
$137,568 in restitution was collected in fiscal year An average collection rate of $142 per client. The annual restitution collection rate totaled 92%.
11,660 community service hours were completed in fiscal year An average of 31 hours per client. The annual community service completion rate totaled 95%.
Domestic assault related offenses resulted in 608 referrals to specialized counseling. 59%, or 533 referrals successfully completed the court ordered batterers’ intervention requirement.
213 clients who committed controlled substance related offenses were referred to treatment. 71 clients were referred to mental health counseling services.
378 clients submitted victim impact forms. 71 clients were provided with specialized crisis counseling in fiscal year 2009.
914 clients were referred to other agencies for specialized services. 1,313 clients were notified of their case status in fiscal year 107 clients were provided with follow-up services and justice system orientation in fiscal year 2009.
FY05: 1,970 FY06: 1,869 FY07: 2,006 FY08: 1,813 FY09: 1,548 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON
FY05: $136,589 FY06: $147,107 FY07: $129,632 FY08: $157,959 FY09: $137,568 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON
FY05: 414 FY06: 284 FY07: 275 FY08: 287 FY09: 271 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON
FY05: $ FY06: $ FY07: $ FY08: $ FY09: $ FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON
FY05: 58% FY06: 94% FY07: 86% FY08: 76% FY09: 92% FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON
FY05: 15,325 Hrs. FY06: 17,605 Hrs. FY07: 29,555 Hrs. FY08: 17,847 Hrs. FY09: 11,660 Hrs. FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON
FY05: 650 FY06: 635 FY07: 579 FY08: 659 FY09: 608 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON
FY05: 463 FY06: 269 FY07: 302 FY08: 274 FY09: 284 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON
FY05: 32 FY06: 41 FY07: 14 FY08: 17 FY09: 22 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON