Trade Policy Issues and challenges in SSA Session 4.4: Developing holistic approaches to trade policy making and trade related negotiations Presented by Margaret K. Chemengich 16 th June 2009
Format of presentation Challenges Proposals for trade policy making Proposals for negotiations Plenary/Discussions and recommendations
Challenges in trade policy making Overlaps in the RECs Appreciation of the global trade architecture Linking commercial diplomacy, aid and trade Integrating regional, multilateral and global commitments into the trade policy making processes Differences in levels of regional integration arising from multiple memberships
Challenges in trade policy making Collaborations and linkages across sectors within country, regional and global levels Exclusion of key players in policy making processes Lack of capacity in new trade areas (legal, technical, ….) Lack of statutory provisions/requirements for enforcing trade agreements Inadequate access to information
Challenges in negotiations Full appreciation of destination markets and its linkages with domestic/regional policies, regulations Analytical and negotiating capacities Information access Limited Political interface thus loosing out on commercial diplomacy Limited or inadequate stakeholder involvement Piecemeal approaches
Challenges in negotiations (cont) Delayed participation of critical players in the negotiation process (eg legal support engaged at drafting stage) Fragmented institutional arrangements impacting on trade Limited synergies across trade facilitating commitments Inadequate coordination at REC level to follow up on joint and common positions Independent handling of the investment and yet there is linkage with trade
Proposals on trade policy making (cont 1) Harmonisation of policy and regulatory framework taking into account global/multilateral, regional and bilateral commitments Institutional coordination while building on synergies Unified but simple trade policy document Regulatory framework with supportive patternships to facilitate enforcement of commitments
Proposals on trade policy making (cont 1) Continuous capacity building for policy makers, implementers and beneficiaries Dedicated and independent institutions for research and analytical work Partnerships with international institutions for benchmarking and enforcement of best practices
Proposals on trade policy making Information access on trade policy linked to key facilitating institutions (website- interconnected) Wide stakeholder involvement (sitting in key policy panels) Trade facilitation and capacity enhancement Continuous assessment and evaluation of impact of trade policies with a view to taking on board the most beneficial
Proposals on negotiations Go to negotiations with clear understanding that there is no charity in trade, as such diplomatic niceties have to place in negotiations Negotiating positions to be informed by research taking into account impact assessments of previous commitments Analyse trade patterns using international tools/packages to establish trading patterns of destination markets Trade facilitation and trade related issues should form part of the trade agreements Pan-African response to the emerging markets (eg China, India,….)
Proposals on negotiations (cont 1) Establishing the linkages between trade agreements and related issues on environment, labour, governance, Legal interpretations and opinion should accompany every trade agreement Identify current trade patterns with a view to identifying niches at national, regional or continental level
Proposals on negotiations (cont. 2) Establish different levels of consultation from sectoral, national, regional to global levels Take note of commitments with trading partners especially positions espoused by them Prepare comprehensive negotiating aspects on all sectors, issues in particular those for protection and ensure that all trading partners sign on to them
Proposals on negotiations (cont. 2) Wide stakeholder involvement within thematic areas Commitments should be accompanied by requisite capacities and resources for implementation Pay special attention to sectors/issues being excluded from trade negotiation by especially the developed world (eg IPR issues, government procurement, investment, …..) Pay special attention to issues demanded for and analyse to establish implications/impacts on trade and development Appreciating the interests of multinationals, transnationals, CSOs in trade negotiations
Proposals on negotiations (cont. 3) Membership in Overlaps and multiplicities of trading blocs Positioning in the many RTA in global arena who form part of the trading partners Identifying trade-offs and issues for leveraging issues and sectors Differentiating commercial, economic and political diplomacy and implications on trade negotiations and interface with trade policy Building networks at national, regional and global levels across public sector, private sector, CSOs Trade information intelligence Insider advise to appreciate motivations
Plenary/Discussions Recommendations from participants
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