Academics. My dad finished high school at Churchill high school near San Antonio. After he spent a semester at Texas State. Then joined the Navy.
Job Title Dad is a Detective for Austin Police Department and recently transferred from Sex crimes and harassment department to special operations. He’s now the police of the police. He makes sure no crooked cops are out on the streets.
What he likes about his job. Dad has always been the law enforcement type and has had a thing for it. Asking him what he likes about his job he said, ”I enjoy locking up dumbasses and making sure they get what's coming to them”.
What he wishes was different. He wishes he was out on the streets more instead of in his office.
How did he start this career? Before he was a police officer, dad was a master of arms in the Navy, an MP. Raising a family he decided to get a career in the same field, and that’s when he decided to be a police officer.
Other Careers/Jobs MP/ K9 unit (Navy) Master at Arms (Navy) Police officer (APD) Detective (APD) He honorably discharged when my brother and I were born.
What else? If my dad could be anything else he would be a chef, open p his own restaurant. He enjoys cooking, bbq, and grilling…… seriously. I think he likes his new grill more than me.
A CADEMICS Mom graduated in Buffalo. She too joined the Navy where she met my dad. Later she went on to graduate at The University of Texas in Austin. She studied in GIS. And Urban and Regional studies. MOM
J OB T ITLE Currently attending ACC to gain brush up on new material in her major, which is geography.
O THER JOBS Air Traffic controller (Navy) Map maker Secretary for Catholic Church She quit being an air traffic controller after my brother an I were born and quit the secretary job for college again.
W HAT ELSE ? If mom could be anything else she would be a pilot. I think she would also want to be a singer because she never stops.
Academics John graduated Bastrop High School. He also recently graduated boot camp, and is now attending A school to be a corpsman. He also was in first for qualifying for SEAL and will later pursue that after his first tour in Libya.
Ever since he was a freshman in jrotc John has always wanted to join the navy. He enjoys it because he’s very patriotic. It cant really be explained, its just something he does. (Cant ask him questions at this moment with his training until he gets liberty.)
He wishes liberty was sooner, he also wishes they would spend less time dealing with the unnecessary “BS”…. Whatever that is.
John got in to the whole military scene when he and I joined NJROTC freshman year in highschool. He then spoke to the recruiter and was hooked like a fish from there.
HEB Cashier (lol) He was fired from HEB for not calling in sick for work. And then I made fun of him…
Travel Military experience Life or death combat
If john were not in the Navy he would be in the Coast Guard or Army.
My old boss Lee graduated at Texas Tech in Lubbock, where he majored in Finance and statistics.
Lee is an entrepreneur, He started and manages the Bastrop River Company in my home town. Being his first employee, early when the company first started we just used to rent out kayaks and canoes. Then he bought a base of operations by the river and is now also renting out tubes. An average day of work he manages the employees to pick up and drop off customers on the river.
Lee is his own boss and sets up business how he wants it to be ran. He also likes the fact that he gets to be outside most of the day instead of in the office.
In 2011 he bought a father and sons kayak trailer and kayaks and the expanded from there.
Banker He quit banking because he hated the job and being inside all day.
Being his own boss. Making an impact on the town of Bastrop. Being in control of a company that is also his hobby.
He is able to spend time in his happy place (the river) and is active all day, and if he wants to take a break he can…. He is the boss.
If Lee could be anything else he would want to be a rock climber, or anything else out doors.
Texas A&M Majored in Theatre emphasis in playwriting
PAC mgr & tech advisor/theatre teacher - run facility & advise on tech for all events. Coordinate student staff - teach kids. My old theater director!!!!
“I Love my students of course….. Not.”
D wishes there was less red tape – local government.
“Began in HS. Working with my HS teacher and seeing his challenges and victories. I could see myself doing the position”
Writer Actor Technician Designer Manager of concession / food Never really stopped working these positions, each put him in higher management position.
“Working with students. Able to use talents and still have time for family and writing.”
“Sense of purpose and making a difference. Bringing a smile to people's faces.“
Doctor Adventurer