FUTURE’S PANEL Presentation To National Space-Based PNT Advisory Board March 27, 2008 Washington, DC
Future Vision World with multiple space based PNT systems. User equipment which leverages multiple PNT systems will be the standard, not the exception. Ubiquitous and seamless integration of space based PNT will be part of the daily lives of users world-wide.
GPS Specific Vision The U.S. will manage the transition to GPS III to maintain the trust and utility of GPS-based PNT to the worldwide user base. GPS will continue to provide stable and reliable GNSS service with a constellation of at least 30 satellites free of charge to users world-wide. As a result of the above and an open and transparent oversight process, GPS will maintain its position as the Gold Standard for PNT.
Amend the Standard Positioning Service Performance Standard to incorporate the current level of service (30 satellites, etc.). The SPS PS should: Establish the level of performance Define the process for changing the commitment over time with the FRP. Specify how these commitments and changes will be funded, scheduled and communicated. Short Term Issues
Restore the ICD process from the current IS process Turn on the navigation message on L2C Solidify schedule for L5 with the navigation message Pursue interoperability between augmentation systems to make integrity information a truly global asset Short Term Issues (cont’d)
Transition Paper Inputs Pursue actions that will contribute to civil and commercial trust in GPS in both domestic and international domains. Utilize the Federal Radionavigation Plan (FRP) to disseminate broad national policy decisions Exploit private sector peer review to enhance governmental oversight of the GPS III transition Maintain a level playing field for market-driven applications Sustain DOC voice in interagency process and international discussions for private sector equities
The least expensive way to sustain current GPS utility is to protect the RNSS noise floor. Specifically with the FCC domestically and the ITU internationally: Vigorously champion commercial standard PCS out of band emission limits for MSS ATC Oppose the misuse of unintentional emission limits that would enable intentional emissions into RNSS bands. [Press the FCC to adopt commercial practice PCS out of band emissions specs for MSS and abandon the decades old MSS OOBE accommodation. ] Transition Paper Inputs (cont’d)
Strengthen check-and-balance mechanisms to ensure broad trust and support for U.S. actions. USG public PNT documents need dual use review and approval. Strengthen U.S. outreach and transparency to domestic and international users. Formalize the coordination of private sector input for U.S. positions in domestic and international forums (beyond the ITU) which impact GPS. To do so in the near-term, use a PNT Advisory subcommittee to provide input to DoC and State with additional technical expertise as appropriate Transition Paper Inputs (cont’d)