Huffman I.S.D. Gifted and Talented Information Meeting Thursday, March 12, 2015
Introductions n Angela Rhodes - BBECC Counselor n Cindy Roberts – CES Counselor n Janie Alley – HIS Counselor n Trina Gore - Gifted and Talented Lead Teacher for BBECC, CES, and HIS
What is Gifted and Talented? n Gifted and talented means a child or youth performs at or shows the potential for performing at a “remarkably” high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience or environment. Education Code n HANDOUT: Bright Child/Gifted Learner HANDOUT: Bright Child/Gifted Learner HANDOUT: Bright Child/Gifted Learner
Screening Phase - OLSAT n Otis Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) n The OLSAT is designed to measure abstract thinking and reasoning ability. n Students must score a Stanine of 8 or higher, which relates to a School Ability Index (SAI) of 120 or higher (89%ile - 95%ile) n The test will be broken up into different sittings as deemed appropriate by the test administrator.
Screening Phase – OLSAT 1. OLSAT is based on the notion that to learn new things, students must be able to: perceive accurately, to recognize and recall what has been perceived perceive accurately, to recognize and recall what has been perceived to think logically to think logically to understand relationships to understand relationships to abstract from a set of particulars to abstract from a set of particulars and to apply generalizations to new and different contexts. and to apply generalizations to new and different contexts.
Screening Phase - OLSAT 2. OLSAT measures performance on such tasks as: detecting likenesses and differences detecting likenesses and differences following directions following directions classifying classifying establishing sequence establishing sequence completing analogies completing analogies solving matrixes solving matrixes
Screening Phase Cont. - SIGS n Scales for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS) Teacher and Parent Evaluations n Norm referenced rating scale – shows characteristics relating to giftedness when compared to peers n Assesses seven areas: general intellectual ability, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, creativity, and leadership n Students must rank in the 75%ile in at least one area on the parent and teacher evaluations
Building Selection Committee n The Building Selection Committee will meet to determine which candidates will continue to the next portion of the identification process - the assessment phase. This committee is made up of the campus administrator, counselor, GT certified classroom teachers, and the lead GT teacher. n Parents are notified by letter whether students will continue further testing or not.
Assessment Phase - Achievement Test (Grades 1-2) ITBS n Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) n The ITBS is a norm-referenced test that compares students’ performance to a norming group made up of students throughout the United States. It simply compares knowledge and skills among students across the country. n Tests are sent off to be scored. n Students will test in the areas of reading, math, science, and social studies. n Students must score in the 90%ile in at least one of the tested areas on the ITBS.
Assessment Phase - Achievement Test (Grades 3-5) - SAT 10 n Stanford Achievement Test (SAT 10) n Assesses the basic curricular objectives in the areas of reading, mathematics, science, and social studies. n Students must score in the 90%ile in at least one of the tested areas on the SAT. n Tests are scored on campus. n The length of each test and number of testing sessions will be decided at the discretion of the test administrator and the endurance of the students.
Scoring Tests n Tests are scored n Scores are placed on matrix n Building Selection Committee Meeting n Placement is determined by the BSC n Parents are notified by letter n Services begin in the fall semester of 2015 n Students are not eligible to GT test again until spring of 2016
Appeals n Parents or students may appeal any final decision of the Building Selection Committee regarding selection for or removal from the gifted program. Appeal shall be made first to the Building Selection Committee in writing.
Tentative Testing Timeline n The ITBS reading, math, science, and social studies portions of testing (Grades 1-2) are being completed now in regular classes. n Parent permission to test due tomorrow – (March 13) n Complete SIGS Home Rating Scale and School Rating Scale – (Receive March 23 rd – DUE April 10) n OLSAT Testing – (March 23 rd – April 10 th ) n BSC meeting and parent notification for continuation of testing or did not qualify – (April 13 th – April 24 th ) n SAT 10 Testing begins for grades 3-5. Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies portions. (April 27 th – May 15 th ) n BSC meeting and permission letters sent home or did not qualify - (May 18 th – May 22 nd ) n Parent permission to participate in GT beginning next year must be obtained by June 4 th.
G/T Program: REACH n G/T Lead Teacher: Trina Gore n REACH: Reaching Excellent Academic and Creative Heights –Grades K-5 –Pull out program –Inclusive differentiated program
REMINDER n Students are responsible for work missed in class during the GT testing process. n The testing timeline and dates are tentative. Please understand that the testing dates are a window in which testing will occur. n Permission to test must be returned by tomorrow Friday, March 13, 2015.
n Questions?