T ASK Using the writing process, write a story about what you did this summer Must Haves 1 event only 5~9 sentences (NO MORE) Follow the writing process 30~40 minutes Why? This is to show Mr. McCarey where you are in your writing Review of grade 7 Welcome back…Time to work Early Finishers If you did it correctly, you shouldn’t have a lot of time Read your own book or Tuesdays with Morrie
U SING THE W RITING P ROCESS You will write a short story about your summer vacation Minimum 1 paragraph (paragraph = 5~7 sentences) How – Follow the writing process Prewrite – Already discussed with your partner now you just have write this information down in your notebooks Goal – get an idea with some details Draft – write your story Don’t worry about grammar, fancy words, etc… JUST WRITE!! Goal – Write Something! Revise – does it make sense? Did you use the best vocab? Goal – Make your words/ideas better Edit – grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, etc.. Goal – Fix your grammar Publish – Your ready to hand it in Goal – Create the best piece of writing you can I will not mark this!!!! This is to see what areas of writing you work well with and which areas could we improve Ex. Grammar? Organization? Word Choice? I will not mark this!!!! This is to see what areas of writing you work well with and which areas could we improve Ex. Grammar? Organization? Word Choice?
C REATING Y OUR P ARAGRAPH D RAFT C REATING Y OUR P ARAGRAPH I did some gardening with my grandma. It was fun. We planted about five bulbs. She showed me how to plant bulbs so a deer can't dig them up. It was a hot day, almost too hot to plant bulbs. I knelt down under the tree with my grandma. "Is this a good spot for one of the flower bulbs?" I asked. Planting Bulbs with Grandma Gardening with Grandma Planting Bulbs with Grandma So, which is the seed?
5W S From the draft, can you re-create the prewrite? If yes, you have a strong draft If no, you have a weak draft Planting bulbs with Grandma Who Wha t Where Whe n Why It was a hot day, almost too hot to plant bulbs. I knelt down under the tree with my grandma. "Is this a good spot for one of the flower bulbs?" I asked. A hot day Grandma and I Under a tree Decided where to plant the bulbs Because of the heat, we weren’t able to plant bulbs
Task: Create your paragraph: 10~12 sentences Must Haves Must be hand written Must include a Topic and Concluding Sentence Must use our tips of Descriptive Writing Figurative Language 5 senses Spatial Organization Note: Your final draft will be 5~9 sentences only, so some sentences will be cut
Let’s read this draft With your partner, try to create the Pre-write (mind map) Planting bulbs with Grandma Who Wha t Where Whe n Why Kids visit Mrs. Garcia Apartment 4D Cooks food and shares with kids Because she is happy when she has visitors and loves people
Task: Create your paragraph: 10~12 sentences Must Haves Must be hand written Must include a Topic and Concluding Sentence Must use our tips of Descriptive Writing Note: Your final draft will be 5~9 sentences only, so some sentences will be cut
Trade your book with your desk partner Task: Recreate a similar mind map by reading your partners draft If it is similar, the prewrite and draft are perfectly organized If it is very different, the prewrite and draft are NOT perfectly organized Seed Idea Who Wha t Where Whe n Why