C ultural H eritage and U rban D evelopment CHUD Tyre - Beit El Madina 21 Oct 2010
C ultural H eritage and U rban D evelopment Data : Governmental Initiative Governmental Initiative Execution agency: CDR Execution agency: CDR Duration: 5 years Duration: 5 years Financial Support: World Bank, Agence Française de Développement, Cooperazione Italiana, Lebanese Government, French Government Financial Support: World Bank, Agence Française de Développement, Cooperazione Italiana, Lebanese Government, French Government Five historical cities: Baalbek, Byblos, Saida, Tripoli & Tyr Five historical cities: Baalbek, Byblos, Saida, Tripoli & Tyr Four archeological sites: Baalbek, Saida, Tripoli & Tyr Four archeological sites: Baalbek, Saida, Tripoli & Tyr Mediterranean sea Syria 0 50 km
3 Financing
Project milestones 2001: Preparation of preliminary studies: assessments, impact, urban and financial in order to finalize the project actions and budget. 2001: Preparation of preliminary studies: assessments, impact, urban and financial in order to finalize the project actions and budget. 2002: Project Appraisal Document. 2002: Project Appraisal Document. Apr 17, 2003: World Bank Board Approval. Apr 17, 2003: World Bank Board Approval. July 24, 2003: World Bank Agreement Signature. July 24, 2003: World Bank Agreement Signature. January 2004: Loan and Project agreement (AFD & WB) approved by the Lebanese Parliament: Laws 554, 555 et 556. January 2004: Loan and Project agreement (AFD & WB) approved by the Lebanese Parliament: Laws 554, 555 et 556. Feb 3, 2004: WB Effectiveness. Feb 3, 2004: WB Effectiveness. January 2004 – January 2009: Implementation phase of the project. January 2004 – January 2009: Implementation phase of the project. Mars 2006: Italian Loan and Project agreement effectiveness Mars 2006: Italian Loan and Project agreement effectiveness May , 2007: Midterm Review. May , 2007: Midterm Review : Implementation of the 2 nd phase of urban & archaeological projects : Implementation of the 2 nd phase of urban & archaeological projects.
CHUD Project stakeholders CDR: The governmental implementing agency; management through CDR, PMU and MIU Ministry of Culture: Owner of the project Ministry of Culture /DGA: Public administration in charge of archaeological architectural and urban heritage UNESCO / WHC: Scientific follow-up on World Heritage Cities (Baalbek, Byblos & Tyre) Ministry of Interior and Municipalities: in charge of the Municipalities. Ministry of Public Works/DGU: Zoning and Building laws Ministry of Transportation: Ministry in charge of the Coast protection. Ministry of Finance: Ministry in charge of budget planning. The Municipalities: Five cities The NGOs: Entities involved in the preservation of Cultural Heritage. Associations of Professionals Local communities Universities
Create the conditions for increased Local Economic Development and enhanced quality of life in the historic centres of five main secondary cities; Improve the conservation and management of Lebanon’s built cultural heritage Components Urban Component: Rehabilitation of Historic City Centers and Infrastructure Archaeological Component: Archaeological sites Conservation and Management Institutional Strengthening Component: DGA, and Municipalities Technical Assistance (Capacity Building) Objectives
CHUD Urban Component Improvement of Improvement of public spaces Creation, furnishing and management of tourist circuits Conservation and adaptive reuse of Conservation and adaptive reuse of monuments and historic buildings Rehabilitation of Rehabilitation of private historic housing stock Protection of and landscaping of Protection of coastal areas and landscaping of public gardens Management of to historic centers Management of vehicular access to historic centers
8 Creation of municipal parking and commercial equipments (visitor centers) Improve water/waste water and electricity infrastructure Coordination with other CDR Projects Promotion of new productive services and commercial activities Encouragement of private sector initiatives CHUD Urban Component
9 CHUD Institutional Strengthening Component Technical Assistance Program Objectives Revitalization of the Private Rehabilitation Activities Management of the Municipal & Public Services Promotion of Cultural Activities
CHUD Project in Tyre
Phase I Rehabilitating and enhancing services on the western road from “Al Fanar” Hotel to “Al Jamal” area Establishing the cultural promenade between the archeological site and the old city through the Heritage Corridor & the restoration of many Historical Houses and giving them new functions Repair of the Sea Front Protector wall of Tyre Archeological Site 11
Detailed Studies Phase I
Coast Line Preservation
Before the Project
During the Project
After the Project
28 Cultural Promenade
Before the Project
During the Project
36 After the Project
Repair of the Sea Front Protector wall 40
Phase II Rehabilitating and enhancing services on Al Sader Square (Al Bawaba) and the Old Public Souk Rehabilitating Hiram Street Rehabilitating the perimeter of Al Jafariyeh Restoration of heritage buildings and facades in the port area Cleaning the port and reconstructing it Establishment of a new building for the Fishermen Syndicate Create a new market for the sale of fish 41
42 Detailed Studies Phase II
During works in different regions 45
46 Hiram Street after rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of fishermen Port Project Elements - - Port - - Syndicate of fishermen - - Fish market - - Workshop - - Cafe - - Warehouse - - Front elevations - - Public spaces - - Infrastructures
After The Project 48
50 Restoration of heritage buildings and facades in the port area
Rehabilitation of The Public Souk
Before the Project
After the Project 57
59 Thank you for your attention Done by Ashraf Safieddine