Exit Care Easy to read educational materials for medications, disease process’, procedures etc. After receiving physician orders, Hospital RN’s enter Discharge Instructions into system and print out easy to read forms for patient/family. Once this is done the forms are archived within Exit Care on each patient.
Summary of Purpose Evidence-based, peer-reviewed content Enterprise-wide solution 10 languages Risk management Easy-to-Read and “standard” documents Comprehensive documents where necessary Age/gender/condition specific Meaningful use
Examples of Graphics Graphics are designed to: Carry the content Aid in comprehension Reinforce critical information
How to find Exit Care Search under START button (Found at bottom left corner on computer screen) Scroll up to PROGRAMS Find Exit Care
Login to Exit Care using Network User ID and Password. “User ID MUST be in lower case”
Once logged into Exit Care you will be brought to the archive screen Enter patient information PRIOR TO the % sign and search on patient. Search by first/last name, patient ID (account #), MR Number. Narrow search by entering dates. (default is 1 year in past to current date) Choose desired facility by clicking on down arrow. This is optional. Press search
Choose correct patient by double clicking on their name OR expand information using + in front of correct patient name. This will expand search to view document list. Click on + to expand document detail
Print detail will be viewable Choose correct date/time and name of document There may be several documents for one stay as education may be printed for patient throughout the hospital stay.
Click on magnifying glass to view document detail. Click on magnifier glass to view document Example document of discharge instructions
Example of Medication Education Sheet
Example of Signature Page
Example of Discharge Information
When exiting use the Done Icon in bottom right corner not the x in upper right corner of screen. If you use the X you will be kicked out of the Exit Care System. Avoid using the X button to exit the system. You will be taken out of Exit Care by using this, and will need to log back in to continue patient searches Use the DONE icon to be brought back to patient search fields
Screens you will receive when shutting down. If you click on X in upper right corner If you click on done in lower right corner
PCI (Patient Care Inquiry) To find Nursing Discharge Medication Reconciliation forms log into Meditech - PCI
Search for Assessment Forms data base with PCI Choose correct form Choose correct date
View of Medication Reconciliation Forms in PCI
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