Click on DEx button VIEWING / PRINTING DEX DISCHARGE SUMMARIES OCTOBER 2010 OBJECTIVES 1.Access DEx from DEx button in CAS 2.View discharge summaries from current/past admissions 3.Identify different statuses of discharge summaries 4.Print discharge summaries HOW TO VIEW DEX SUMMARIES IN CAS
SELECT ADMISSION TO VIEW/PRINT Default is set to display Last 3 Months. This can be changed by clicking on other tabs (Last Month, Last 2 Years) “Current Patient Visits” section will display preliminary and complete/unsigned summaries. “Signed” Discharge Summaries will display finalized summaries.
Highlight icon- Displays Icon Descriptions: ICON DESCRIPTIONS
ICONS TO VIEW/PRINT Clicking on the yellow icon will display the discharge summary to the screen.
Click on Print options icon PRINTING OF DISCHARGE SUMMARY
Click on “Print” button to print To a printer SUMMARY PRINTED TO SCREEN SELECT PRINTER AND PRINT