Learning Objectives Identify Electronic Health Record (EHR) customization and workflow process (parameters). Align EHR with the clinical workflow process through configuration and parameter settings. Ensure EHR complies with security requirements. Control access to EHR components through parameter settings. Customize EHR components to improve usability. Examine the importance of adopting a standardized process for setting and editing parameters within an electronic health record. Apply parameter configuration to specific levels to meet the needs of users and the institution.
Definition of Parameter A parameter is a quantity whose value is selected for the particular circumstances and in relation to which other variable quantities may be expressed.
Definition of Parameter For RPMS-EHR, this means that a CAC can change behavior of a part of the software without having to perform a programming change simply by changing the value of a parameter.
Provide a way to control configuration at the local level by non-programmers. Allow for flexibility and customization of RPMS-EHR at each site. Allow for different configuration for divisions and individual users. What Parameters Do
The Structure of parameters within RPMS-EHR is hierarchical. Parameters range from User at the top to Package at the bottom. Parameter Structure
1.User 2.Team (OE/RR) 3.Device 4.Location 5.Service 6.Division 7.System 8.Package Hierarchy Levels
How Does Parameter Hierarchy Work? A package first checks the highest level (e.g., user) to see if a value is set. The package will continue to check each succeeding level until a value is found. When a value is found, the package stops and uses that value for the operation in question.
Parameter Hierarchy Note that not all levels are available for all parameters, but only those that make sense for that particular item.
Parameter Location Where do the parameters look to determine how to function? Each parameter level is related to a particular FileMan file.
Parameter Hierarchy Levels Parameter Level FileMan File 1 User [New Person] 2 Team (OE/RR) [OE/RR List] 3 Device [Device] 4 Location [Hospital Location] 5 Service [Service/Section] 6 Division [Medical Center Division] 7 System [Institution] 8 Package [Package]
Setting Parameters Most parameters are set at the system or division level. For some parameters, it may be necessary to use location, team, or user. The higher the level used, the more effort required to maintain the parameter (e.g. 1 setting at system, vs. 30 at location, vs. 300 at user).
Setting Parameters Package levels should not be changed by the CAC. The package level should be considered the reference value. New patches for a package may sometimes reset the package level value which could have interesting consequences if was changed locally.
To edit package level, the user must have programmer access in RPMS (and we do not recommend this). If a user does not have programmer access, the value of the package level can still be viewed using this option from General Parameter Tools: LV List Values for a Selected Parameter Setting Parameters
RPMS-EHR parameters can be set in two ways: Using the RPMS menu option: General Parameter Tools Using various RPMS menus from: RPMS-EHR Configuration Master Menu
Setting Parameters Using: XX General Parameter Tools...
Setting Parameters Only the options LV and EP are commonly used.
General Parameter Tool Options LV List Values for a Selected Parameter This option is very useful to see ALL the values that have been set for a particular parameter
General Parameter Tool Options EP Edit Parameter Values
Important EHR Parameter Groups APSP: For e-Prescribing BEHO: For EHR Framework BGO: For PCC Components CIA: EHR Setup OR: Orders and Order Menus ORB: Notifications ORK: Order Checks PXRM: Reminders TIU: Notes and Discharge Summary
Setting Parameters Parameters may also be set using various RPMS menus, many of which are located within the RPMS-EHR Configuration Master Menu: PAR Menu Parameters... PRN Print/Report Parameters... PAR TIU Parameters... PER Data Entry Permissions PRC Enable/Disable Notifications DMO Allow Viewing of Demo Patients Only [Note: these options are from different menus]
Setting Parameters Using RPMS-EHR configuration menus is very similar to using the General Parameter Tools:
Setting Parameters Whether a parameter is set via General Parameter Tools or another menu option in RPMS, the result is the same. So for example, whether you set the parameter: ORWDX WRITE ORDERS LIST …or use the Menu: OUT Write Orders List (Outpatient) …the result is the same!
Hands-On Exercise Set your user to see only demo patients in the EHR GUI using the menu option. Remove demo only mode via the General Parameters menu (hint: BEH). List the value of the Parameter for Default EHR GUI template (hint: namespace CIA). Make the Note Autosave Interval for your user 120 seconds (hint: TIU).
Questions and Discussion