Lucy Alexakis & Kate Clarke Medication Review Pharmacists Shaping healthcare for you … and your family
1.6 WTE pharmacists employed April 2014 on a 12 month contract to: - to review medication for patients in care homes - offer training around medication to the care homes - produce guidelines on medication to support GP’s and care homes NICE guidance SC1 “Managing Medicines in Care Homes” March 2014 NICE quality standard QS85 “Managing Medication in Care Homes” March 2015 Shaping healthcare for you … and your family
1060 patients have received a medication review in 46 care homes 1236 interventions 67 of these likely to have prevented a hospital admission based on significance General Examples - Stopping patients on incorrect drugs - Stopping drugs with no indications e.g. PPI’s - Updating allergy status - Dose reduction / stopping drugs due to eGFR e.g. ramipril, memantine - Advice on formulation Shaping healthcare for you … and your family
General Examples - Recommending calcium and vitamin D where appropriate for fracture prevention - Bisphosphonate holidays - Drug monitoring advice e.g. Lithium - Dose optimising e.g. pregabalin - Interaction advice - Changing medication to increase compliance - Reminders and encouraging nursing homes to use ONPOS for dressings and barrier preparations - Clarifying ASD directions - Waste prevention Shaping healthcare for you … and your family
Specific Examples A patient was identified as being prescribed twice the licensed rivastigmine dose. This prescribing had been going on for a while since a hospital discharge. The dose was reduced immediately. This highlighted the issue of accurate medicines reconciliation after hospital discharge A patient was identified as being prescribed sulphadiazine suspension, having looked through the notes a discharge summary from the hospital made it clear that the patient should have been receiving sulphasalazine suspension for rheumatoid arthritis. GP was contacted and the sulphadiazine was stopped immediately. As a special it had also be costing over £400 per month for 9 months. Shaping healthcare for you … and your family
Memantine eGFR 30–49 mL/minute/1.73 m 2 reduce dose to 10mg, if well tolerated after at least 7 days dose can be increased in steps to 20 mg daily eGFR 5–29 mL/minute/1.73 m 2 reduce dose to 10mg eGFR less than 5 mL/minute/1.73 m 2- avoid Sulphasalazine and sulphadiazide Hydroxyzine and Hydralazine Shaping healthcare for you … and your family
1060 patients have received medication review £142,191 per annum predicted gross drug saving £54,527 per annum predicted net drug saving Approximately £134 per patient per annum saving 67 hospital admissions likely to have been prevented, assuming 50% of these actually prevented an admission (conservative estimate) estimated predicted cost savings for unplanned admissions is £80k Shaping healthcare for you … and your family
A locally adapted Medication Review tool Identifies medication which may need stopping in the elderly as risks outweigh the benefits e.g. first generation antihistamines (fall prevention) Identifies suitable medications for starting in the elderly or preventative medications e.g. calcium and vitamin D supplements in patients with osteoporosis Shaping healthcare for you … and your family
Anna Clayton, Community Nutritional Management Specialist (Dietitian) So far: Effective Management of Malnutrition Pathway written Resources available on share point, both guidance to prescribers and information to print and give to patients 12 care homes audited and 104 residents reviewed. Potential annualised savings of £75,450 identified so far. System issues and wide changes in standards identified. Training started in care homes to encourage Food First and support good nutritional care Change in supplement prescribing pattern beginning to emerge, decrease in prescribing spend, February and March lowest prescribing spend for 6 months. Shaping healthcare for you … and your family
Care Home Training Packs Care Home educational sessions Bulk prescribing & Homely remedies guidance for care homes and GP’s Hydration Guidelines Medication expiry date guidance Working with dentists on shared care Available at Shaping healthcare for you … and your family