Implementing Standard Transitions: Creating a Community Standard
Background 2011 – Conversations at OHLC about transitions 2012 – Included as part of Health Commons Grant / system of care for high needs Medicaid members
What is “standard transitions”?
Current Status Cross-system collaboration on Discharge Summary o Includes assessment of risk & outstanding issues Legacy o Pilot at Emanuel Hospital (December 2012) o Deployed at 5 hospitals and 21 clinics (July 2013) o Minimal training needed Providence o Legacy-specific content to be removed; format and order of content will remain the same o Pilot at eight Oregon Providence hospitals, 28 clinics
Next Steps OHSU o Originally planned for Year 3 o Build and pilot estimated to start April 2014 Adventist/Tuality o Involved in initial development of the standard discharge summary – agree conceptually o Start discussions with them next year about what is transferable between EHR systems
Discussion What is Health Share's role in establishing this process as a community standard?
Questions? Melinda Muller, MD, Legacy Health, Standard Transitions Lead Office: