Task on Entry What links these images?
Starter Lesson Objective: To know the key principles and philosophies of a world religion and present this using technology. Turn your book sideways and on a blank page draw a line in pencil down the middle. On the left hand side only, draw/write everything you know about the religions below: Hinduism Christianity Buddhism Islam Sikhism It could be drawings, it could be keywords, if you don’t know anything don’t worry you will by the end of the lesson.
Main Task Lesson Objective: To know the key principles and philosophies of a world religion and present this using technology.
Main Task Lesson Objective: To know the key principles and philosophies of a world religion and present this using technology. Last week we signed up to the website blendspace, if you log on now you will noticed I have shared this lesson with you, which is there to help you. In your pairs it is your task to create your own blendspace based on one of the religions below. Try to find interesting things such as videos, websites, images. One of the sections should be a powerpoint that you have made, in your powerpoint you should have information such as: 1.Where and when did the religion originate? 2.Who were the founders/ important members of the religion? 3.Where in the world are the religions practiced? 4.What does the religion believe in? 5.Do the worshippers of the religion have any rules that they have to abide by every day? 6.Are there any famous people that practice the religion you are researching? 7.Are there any religious celebrations? If so, when are they and what do they celebrate? HinduismSikhismChristianity BuddhismIslam
Main Task Lesson Objective: To know the key principles and philosophies of a world religion and present this using technology. You will be presenting your blendspace to the rest of the class next week.
Plenary Lesson Objective: To know the key principles and philosophies of a world religion and present this using technology. Go back to the page we split in two at the beginning of the lesson. Now on the right hand side write/draw everything you know about your chosen religion. You should know a lot more about it now than you did at the start of the lesson. Hinduism Christianity Buddhism Islam Sikhism