COLLABORATION MODULE #6 Giving and Receiving Feedback An online module developed by Pivot Learning Partners for the West Contra Costa Unified School District
This module is one of a series of six that focus on the foundational skills and tools for collaboration: Setting and Using Norms Assigning Roles in Meetings Planning Good Meetings Making Decisions Collaboratively Establishing Goals and Milestones Giving and Receiving Feedback ABOUT THIS MODULE 6
More about this module Each module includes a PowerPoint presentation a Quick Guide on the topic one or more tools or templates videos of teams at work (not included in some modules). Individuals or groups can use these modules in flexible ways, and depending on the group’s choices, they can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour to complete. 6
Feedback is central to how people learn In professional situations, many people rarely receive feedback. When they do, it is mostly about evaluation. If our goal is really improvement, that’s wrong. If we can build frequent nonevaluative feedback into our work, improvement accelerates. Building a culture of collaboration and trust makes feedback possible! Giving and using good feedback doesn’t just happen—it takes practice. (continued) 6
(continued) Take a moment to reflect individually. When, and from whom, do you receive feedback that is useful to you and helps you improve your effectiveness? To whom do you provide useful feedback How might you do more of this? What conditions would have to be in place for this to happen? If you are working on this module as a team, take some time to share your thoughts. You may want to use the Feedback Worksheet included in this module to organize your thoughts. 6
Practice should involve three kinds of feedback: Warm feedback consists of positive statements: This is essential: people are much better at hearing tough feedback when they feel seen and appreciated. Cool feedback identifies problem areas or raises difficult issues: Cool feedback often takes the form of questions or begins with the phrase “I wonder.” Standards-based feedback compares the work at hand with a set of shared standards: Without shared standards, this kind of feedback often goes wrong. Refer to the Quick Guide included in this module to learn more about these ideas. 6
Giving good feedback requires asking good questions: Clarifying questions are questions of fact or questions necessary to provide a context for understanding the work. Answers are usually brief. Pushing questions are questions the listener might find difficult or challenging. Pushing requires a foundation of trust and relationship. Begin with a growth mind-set, and avoid asking trick questions, questions you know the answer to, or questions that are really judgments in disguise! 6
Teams benefit from using a feedback protocol A protocol defines key roles and steps. It will feel uncomfortable and artificial at first because you are learning something new. Don’t give up! Step one: Presenter presents the work at hand, often with a guiding question. Step two: Responders ask clarifying questions. Step three: Responders discuss the work, providing both warm and cool feedback. Presenter listens and takes notes. Step four: Whole-group conversation includes a discussion of the work in comparison with shared standards. Step five: Presenter reflects on what he or she learned and any next steps or things to think about. Download the Feedback Protocol included in this module. 6
Thank You!