My topic is Gravity :D By Lauren P6
What Is Gravity? Gravity is a force that pulls together and holds everything together. Gravity will help you do things like walking and driving.
Why Don’t We Float to Space? We stay on the ground because of gravity the force that is pulling towards the earth’s centre. If we were in space we would float because there is no gravity there. Gravity is the force which attracts us and other objects to the centre of the earth. Gravity explains why our feet are always attached to the floor and when we jump or fall we always fall towards the centre of the earth. In space we are so far away from earth and other planets that gravity force doesn’t apply. That’s why we float in space.
Is Gravity Only On Earth? No there is Gravity on Neptune and Pluto. Neptune is a gas planet, so it doesn’t have a solid surface. If you tried to walk on the surface of Neptune, you’d sink right thought it.
Facts about Gravity A apple falls because of gravity, gravity is pulling the apple down into the earth, the hard ground will stop the the apple from being pulled further into the earth. If you jump 1m into the air on earth you will not be staying up there you will come back down, but in space you can jump 4.5m and can stay up there.
More Facts about Gravity Gravity makes stars die by squeezing their gas out of them. Things we do easily on earth such as eating sleeping and even flushing a toilet become tricky without gravity. Gravity is very handy to us it helps us not to fly to space.
Bibliography These are the book that I found my information in and I give my thanks to: Spinning through space! The Earth! Our Journey! Space Books!
Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoyed it!