ABCDEF GHIJKL MNOPQR STUVWX rubytaiha YZ Click on a letter and it will show you something about space.
ASTEROID BELT The Asteroid belt is made up of large and small rocks and chunks of ice called Asteroids. The Asteroid Belt is in between the inner planets and the outer planets.
Belinda Is one of the moon’s from Uranus. It is named after a woman called Belinda.
CHARON This moon was discovered long after Pluto. This moon of Pluto is much bigger than Pluto.
Deimos A moon of Mars, it revolves around Mars very quickly. It takes 30 hours to make the trip.
ENCLADUS This moon is very smooth. It reflects all lights that hits its surface. It has no atmosphere. It doesn’t have water or ice on it either.
Fossil A fossil is the remains of something that lived in the past.
Great Dark Spot Neptune has lots of dark spots but there is one really big one. It is also the darkest and it is called the Great Dark Spot.
Halley's comet This comet is very famous. There are lots more comets that are famous.
INNER PLANETS Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are all the inner planets. The Asteroid Belt keeps the Inner planets and the outer planets apart.
Jupiter If Jupiter was hollow, more then 1,000 Earths could fit inside it.
kuiper belt The flat belt of icy rock object of the reach of Neptune to the ort cloud.
Light Year A light year is the time it takes for light to travel one whole year.
Mars The soil and sky of Mars have a red colour or hue.
Naiad Naiad is the closest thing to Neptune. It is a moon of Neptune and has no atmosphere.
OORT CLOUD The OORT cloud is part of our Solar System. It is behind all of the planets.
Pluto Pluto is mostly furthest from the sun, but some people think that Pluto is the closest planet to the sun.
Quasars Some very distant galaxies called quasars are lit up by powerful black holes.
Radio Waves Radio waves bounce off the satellites.
Star Constellations There are heaps of star constellations in space. This constellation is Orion.
Titan Titan is the second biggest moon in the solar system.
Universe The Universe is the whole of space planets, stars and yeah.
Venus Venus is one of the inner planets. Venus is also the second planet in the Solar System.
Weather Weather is different temperatures and all that. The planets have different temperatures like Pluto. Pluto is cold, Because of Jupiter's great dark spot Jupiter is very stormy.
X-ray The X-ray is what the sun makes. X-rays are in the middle of the Gamma rays and Ultraviolet rays.
Yuri Gagarin Yuri Gagarin was the first man to actually go into space. He was not the first man on the moon! The first man on the Moon was Neil Armstrong.
Zodiac The Zodiac is made up of some of the constellations.