JuxMem: An Adaptive Supportive Platform for Data Sharing on the Grid Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Mathieu Jan IRISA / INRIA & ENS Cachan, France Grid Data Service (GDS) meeting, Rennes, September 22 th 2003
2 Context: Data Management on the Grid Distributed numerical simulations (code coupling) Needs data sharing No many functional systems Solid mechanics Thermodynamics Optics Dynamics Designing a satellite
3 Existing Data Management Systems Non-transparent large scale data management GridFTP (Globus) and MPI-IO Internet Backplane Protocol (IBP) Explicit transfert No consistency ensured Transparent small-scale data management Distributed shared memory (DSM) Consistency models and protocols Transparent access Small-scale, static and homogeneous architecture TreadMarks TM
4 Another approache: peer-to-peer systems Peer-to-peer systems (P2P) Distributed (large-scale) Volatile peers Peers have the same capacities and responsabilities Sharing of immutable data Centralized (Napster) Flooding (Gnutella, KaZaA) Distributed hash table (CFS, PAST) Sharing of mutable data One writer per data + static architecture (OceanStore) Conflicts have to be manually resolved (Ivy)
5 Design principles Proposition: data sharing service for the grid DSM systems: consistency and transparent access P2P systems: scalability and high dynamicity DSMService for the GridP2P Scale DynamicityNullMediumHigh Resource homogeneity Homogeneous (clusters) Rather heterogeneous (clusters of clusters) Heterogeneous (Internet) Data typeMutable Immutable Typical applications Scientific computation Scientific computation and data storage File sharing and storage
6 A Data Sharing Service for the Grid Internet Data transfert ? Persistent storage Transparency of localization
7 A Data Sharing Service for the Grid Data transfert Internet Optimization of access Data consistency Internet
8 A Data Sharing Service for the Grid Internet Scalability of the architecture Internet
9 A Data Sharing Service for the Grid Internet Handling volatility
10 JXTA: a framework for P2P Open-source platform for programming P2P applications Specify a set of protocols A peer Uniquely identified (ID) Address independent of the physical location Several network access point (TCP, HTTP, etc) Peer Firewall Peer TCP/IP HTTP Peer ID Firewall
11 JXTA: peer groups Set of peers that share a common set of interests Scope of communications Specific policy of management Peer group services Peer ID NetPeerGroup PeerGroupA PeerGroupB
12 JXTA: Advertisements Every resource is described by an advertisement Peers Peer groups Communication channels Services … PeerGroup Advertisement: urn:jxta: uuid- BCBCDEABDBBBABEABBBABA urn:jxta:uuid- BFEFDEDFBABAFRUDBACE My Group This group is to be used for my own testing
13 JuxMem: a prototype Peer group juxmem Peer group cluster A Peer group cluster B Peer group cluster C Peer group data Physical architecture Logical architecture
14 API of JuxMem Alloc (size, attribs) Map (id, attribs) Put (id, value) Get (id) Lock (id) Unlock (id)
15 Managing Memory Resources Peer group cluster Peer group juxmem Size 10 Memory provided Advertisement of type provider: peer group cluster Advertisement of type cluster: peer group juxmem
16 Managing Shared Data Blocks Allocation of a memory area = creation of a peer group data Data blocks identified by the ID of the peer group Advertisement published in the peer group juxmem Shared access for clients by knowing the ID Consistency Data blocks are replicated on providers Updated simultaneously (logical multicast) Clients are not notified of updates Synchronization Lock for each data block
17 Handling the Volatility of Peers A manager by peer group (cluster and data) Dynamic monitoring of available peers Data blocks are automatically replicated (data) Updates advertisement of type cluster (cluster) Volatility of managers Periodic exchange of hearbeats Dynamic replication of managers if needed on other peers
18 Implementation of JuxMem JuxMem JXTA service lines Graphical tool
19 Preliminary Evaluations Cluster PentiumII: 450 Mhz and 256 Mb of RAM Network used: FastEthernet 100 Mb/s Number of nodes used: 20 Experiments Overhead memory consumption Low: 6 % with respect to the underlying JXTA peers used Study of the volatility of providers
20 Study of the Volatility of Providers (1) Peer group juxmem Peer group cluster Peer group data Data of one byte Degree of redundancy = 3 Data manager is not killed 1 client: 100 iterations lock-put-unlock 16 providers
21 Study of the Volatility of Providers (1) Peer group juxmem Peer group cluster Peer group data 1 client: 100 iterations lock-put-unlock 16 providers Data of one byte Degree of redundancy = 3 Data manager is not killed
22 Study of the Volatility of Providers (2) Internal lock when replicating Ensure the consistency of the new replica Client is blocked Peer group juxmem Peer group cluster Peer group data
23 Study of the Volatility of Providers (3) JXTA and Java Time-out detection adapted for the WAN Independent of the data size Reconfiguration time 11 seconds Targeted volatility is weaker ( >> 80 seconds)
24 Conclusion Defines an hierarchical architecture for a data sharing service for the grid Specific policy for each cluster Scalability Storage and transparent access to data blocks Application level: data block ID Persistency Shared consistency Handling volatility of peers Actively taken into account
25 Future Work Transparent mobility of data blocks Unavaibility of nodes or even clusters Affinity data – computations Affinity data – data Parameterizable consistency Specific for each client Hierarchical synchronization
27 Allocation Request 2 1 3a 3b 4 5 6