Michigan State Plan for Early On ® February
There are six main components to the State Plan –Part 1: General –Part 2: State Application for a Grant –Part 3: Program and Service Components of a Statewide System of Early Intervention Services –Part 4: Procedural Safeguards –Part 5: State Administration –Part 6: State Interagency Coordinating Council 2
Major Changes from Previous State Plan Part 3- Program and Service Components of a Statewide System of Early Intervention Services Part 3- Program and Service Components of a Statewide System of Early Intervention Services Part 5- State Administration Part 5- State Administration 3
Part 3- Program and Service Components of a Statewide System of Early Intervention Services Family Engagement Family Engagement Child Find/Evaluations and Assessments/Initial IFSP Child Find/Evaluations and Assessments/Initial IFSP Coordination with Head Start/Early Head Start, Early Education, and Child Care Coordination with Head Start/Early Head Start, Early Education, and Child Care 4
Family Engagement The Federal regulations and the Michigan State Plan clarify: The Federal regulations and the Michigan State Plan clarify: –Prior written notice is required: When a child is referred to Part C and the notice must inform parents about their rights under Part C confidentiality provisions and a summary of the disposition of records policy. When the lead agency determines that an infant/toddler is not eligible for Part C early intervention services. The notice must include information about the parent’s right to dispute the eligibility determination. 5
Family Engagement cont. A participating agency (ISD) must comply with a parent’s request to inspect and review their child’s record within ten days of the request. A participating agency (ISD) must comply with a parent’s request to inspect and review their child’s record within ten days of the request. The first copy of all IFSPs and evaluations must be given to a parent at no cost. The first copy of all IFSPs and evaluations must be given to a parent at no cost. Parental consent is required before a participating agency may disclose personally identifiable information. Parental consent is required before a participating agency may disclose personally identifiable information. 6
Child Find The State’s child find system must be coordinated with the State agency responsible for CAPTA, EHDI, MCH- Title V, child care programs, and CHIP. The State’s child find system must be coordinated with the State agency responsible for CAPTA, EHDI, MCH- Title V, child care programs, and CHIP. Primary referral sources must refer a child to the Part C program as soon as possible but in no case more than seven days after identification. Primary referral sources must refer a child to the Part C program as soon as possible but in no case more than seven days after identification. Within 45 calendar days after the EIS provider receives a referral of a child, the screening, initial evaluation, initial assessments (of the child and family), and the initial IFSP meeting for the child must be completed. Within 45 calendar days after the EIS provider receives a referral of a child, the screening, initial evaluation, initial assessments (of the child and family), and the initial IFSP meeting for the child must be completed. 7
Screening States may choose to implement a screening process (Michigan has opted for that). States may choose to implement a screening process (Michigan has opted for that). –Must provide prior written notice of the EIS program’s intent to screen the child to determine whether the child is suspected of having a developmental delay that meets the State eligibility definition. –Parental consent must be obtained before conducting a screening. –Provide the parent the results of the screening. 8
Evaluations and Assessments Adds an exception to the 45-day timeline. If a parent does not consent to the initial screening, evaluation, or assessment, despite documented attempts to obtain parental consent, the EIS program shall complete the activities as soon as possible after obtaining consent. Adds an exception to the 45-day timeline. If a parent does not consent to the initial screening, evaluation, or assessment, despite documented attempts to obtain parental consent, the EIS program shall complete the activities as soon as possible after obtaining consent. Multidisciplinary is defined as the parent and at least two professionals from separate disciplines. Multidisciplinary is defined as the parent and at least two professionals from separate disciplines. 9
Transition Must complete an intra-agency agreement with the individuals responsible for Part B, Section 619 program. Must complete an intra-agency agreement with the individuals responsible for Part B, Section 619 program. Transition plans are part of the IFSP. Transition plans are part of the IFSP. Transition conferences, with the consent of the parent, must be held for all children who are potentially eligible for Part B, section 619 programs. Transition conferences, with the consent of the parent, must be held for all children who are potentially eligible for Part B, section 619 programs. 10
Coordination with Head Start/Early Head Start, Early Education, and Child Care Michigan must describe in its application a description of the State’s efforts to promote collaboration among Head Start, Early Head Start, early education, and child care programs. Michigan must describe in its application a description of the State’s efforts to promote collaboration among Head Start, Early Head Start, early education, and child care programs. 11
State Administration Use of Public Benefits Use of Public Benefits System of Payments System of Payments 12
Use of Public Benefits EIS program may not make parents sign up or enroll in public benefits to receive Part C of IDEA. EIS program may not make parents sign up or enroll in public benefits to receive Part C of IDEA. EIS program must obtain parent consent to access public benefits. EIS program must obtain parent consent to access public benefits. EIS programs that are accessing public benefits must provide notification that the benefits are being accessed. EIS programs that are accessing public benefits must provide notification that the benefits are being accessed. 13
System of Payments Must provide families of a copy of the State’s system of payments. Must provide families of a copy of the State’s system of payments. Information of the State’s system of payments must be provided with prior written notice. Information of the State’s system of payments must be provided with prior written notice. 14