Mrs. C. Vandiver-Tate, Principal Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Macklin Assistant Principals Mrs. Freeman, Title I/Professional Learning Coach Mrs. Brookins, Professional School Counselor Grandview Heights Middle School ANNUAL TITLE ONE PARENT MEETING
Topics Notice of Title I School Status Family Engagement Policies (District and School Level) Reporting Pupil Progress Parent-Teacher Conferences Parental Involvement Requirements Availability of Parent Training and Meetings McKinney Vento Act District/School Progress/School Status School Improvement Plan Opportunities for Additional Parent Meetings Teacher Qualifications Parent’s Right to Know Notice of Title I School Status School/Parent Compact Student Code of Conduct
Did you know? Grandview is a federally funded school-wide Title I school. Title I is a part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Title I requires that schools create a positive and supportive learning environment that results in high levels of achievement for all students.
PURPOSE OF TITLE I Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA) ensures that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high- quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic standards and state academic assessments.
Family Engagement Plan To partner with families in an effort to provide Grandview Heights students with a home/school/community environment that helps children achieve academic excellence. – Grandview Height’s Website – Reviewed and revised yearly – Given to families during Title I Meeting
Shelby County Schools Parent Involvement Policies #5010 – Title I Parent Involvement I #7007 – School Support Organizations #7009 – Family Engagement (Revised ) Linked on Grandview’s website
Parental Involvement Requirements School/Family Compact Jointly developed with parents to promote positive and productive working relationships – Included in Student Handbook – Available on Grandview Heights Website – Received at registration yearly – Signed by parents
Reporting Pupil Progress Progress Reports Report Cards/Reports Notes Home/ /Text/Phone State Test Results (TCAP)
Parent Teacher Conferences September 18, 2014 (4-7 pm) February 2015 (4-7 pm) As requested by parent or teacher
Tentative Parent Training Importance of Literacy and Student Success- October 16th from 6 pm – 7 pm Parent Data Training (Istation & I-Ready) – Nov. 13th from 9 am -10 am or 6 pm - 7pm Gang Awareness and Prevention - Jan. 15 th from 5-6pm Emotions of a teenager and Student Success- Feb. 12 th from 9am – 10 am or 5 pm - 6 pm State Testing and What it Means? March 19 th from 9:00 am- 10 am or 6pm – 7pm
Coming Attractions Coming Attractions Shelby County Schools Parent University School Year Division of FAMILY and Community Engagement (FACE) Located at the Board of Education Room S. Hollywood Memphis, TN
District/School Progress Grandview Heights is a Level 1 school according to TVAAS data Grandview Heights has a staff comprised of Highly Qualified Teachers Grandview Heights is an Izone School, which means We have been identified as one of the schools in the state of Tennessee performing in the bottom 5%.
School Improvement Plan Analysis from data sources- TCAP, TVVAS Data, Discipline and Attendance Development of an action plan in order to address and meet the needs of our students, families, and teachers Creation of a Professional Development Plan for teachers and parents Plan submitted yearly Parent input invaluable (volunteers needed)
Parents’ Right to Know All parents have the right to request the following : A teacher’s professional qualifications, licensure, grades/certifications, waivers A teacher’s baccalaureate and/or graduate degree, fields of endorsement, previous teaching experience. A paraprofessional’s qualifications An annual notice of Students Education Records Privacy and Notice for disclosure of School Directory Information All parents should receive the following: Their child’s level of achievement in each of the Tennessee academic assessments Notification of right to transfer child to another school in the district if student becomes the victim of a violent crime or is assigned to an unsafe school District Family Engagement Policy and School Family Engagement Plan Their right to public school choice, supplemental services, and more effective involvement in their child’s school if the school is identified for school improvement Timely notification that their child has been assigned to, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks, by a teacher who does not meet the definition of Highly Qualified Parents’ Right to Know under NCLB
15 The McKinney Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act… Maintains educational continuity during a time of transition Requires schools to identify and enroll students who meet the definition of homeless (displaced) Is authorized under the “ESEA”
The McKinney Vento Homeless Education Assistance
17 What is the definition of a Displaced Student? The McKinney-Vento Act defines “homeless children and youth” as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
18 Clarification of a Displaced Student? The term includes – Children and youth who are: sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (sometimes referred to as doubled-up ); living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations; living in emergency or transitional shelters; abandoned in hospitals; or awaiting foster care placement;
Student Code of Conduct SCS Parent/Student Handbook informing parents & students of expectations for a safe and orderly school environment, without disruptions to the learning process The range of possible disciplinary options when a student engages in a particular behavior or action Behavior Orientation meetings for each grade
HOW DO WE USE OR FUNDS? Our Title One funds provide: – Academic programs and strategies – Additional personnel – Professional Development Opportunities – Technology – Teacher resources and materials – Student resources and materials – Interventions – Parental Involvement Opportunities (trainings & workshops)
TITLE I The mission of Title One in Shelby County Schools is to provide opportunities for students to meet the challenging content and performance standards expected of all students. NCLB does not discriminate against any person based on race, color, gender, national origin, disability or age.
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT is KEY!! We encourage on-going parental involvement in the educational process. We share a common goal of promoting success in every child daily. With your help we will be successful!
THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING Our Annual Title One Parent Meeting.