Directions 1.Find the red font and update it with the required information i.e. school name, school rating, $ allocation. 2.Change the red font back to normal. 3.Add information that is specific to the school i.e. percent proficient, plan action steps. 4.Delete this slide once the power point has been updated, but DO NOT DELETE any other slides. The information MUST be shared with parents. 5.Remember to have parents sign-in and distribute an agenda. 6.Take this time to answer questions parents might have about the: –Parents Right to Know notification that has been distributed –4 week (if not HQ) letters that will be going home –District Parent Involvement Policy –Site Parent Involvement Policy and how/when they can help update it –Parent compact and the timeline for annual review –The school plan and how/when they can help update it –The TUSD strategic 5 year plan and how school will align with it
School Name Title I Program Home of the Mascot Informational Parent Meeting Date
Title I Program Intents & Purpose Our school has been allocated $_____ in Federal Title I dollars for use during this school year. These funds are given to schools with the specific purposes of: 1.Class size average 27 students to1 teacher in classrooms (24 to 1 class size average in lower grades) 2.Ensuring that all students receive a high quality education from highly qualified and effective well-trained staff using research-based instructional methods. 3.Supporting struggling learners with additional resources and help in reading and mathematics. 4.Educating and training families so that they may better support their students to achieve at high academic levels.
Discuss with parents the new assessment tools, School City and Arizona Merits for spring of 2016
Continuous Improvement Plan “CIP” Our school leadership team will be revising a comprehensive plan in August & September which will address our student needs and allocate our school Title I resources as follows: 1.Class average 27 students to1 teacher in classrooms (24 to 1 class average in lower grades) 2.Ensuring that all students receive a high quality education from highly qualified and effective well- trained staff using research-based instructional methods. 3.Supporting struggling learners with additional resources and help in reading and mathematics. 4.Educating and training families so that they may better support their students to achieve at high academic levels. **You are invited to participate in our planning process**
To ensure that all students receive a high quality education from highly qualified and effective staff using research based instructional methods, our school plan includes the following: a.__ minutes of regular reading instruction per day. b.__ minutes of regular mathematics instruction per day c.Teacher Training in _____ and ______ d.Teacher Coaches to support teachers with _________ Plan Overview Reading & Math
To support struggling learners with additional resources and help in reading and mathematics, our school plan to improve reading achievement includes the following: a.Reading/Math Interventions _____minutes per day/week/month b.Additional Reading/Math Classes _____minutes of additional instruction daily c.Reading/Math Tutors –Tutoring will be held…(Dates/Times of Tutoring Opportunities) –To inquire about our tutoring program, please contact ______at phone # d.Other action steps (list here) Plan Overview Reading & Math
Plan Overview Academic Family Engagement Our plan includes steps to promote academic family engagement such as: a.School Parent Policy b.Title I Parent Compact c.Broadly outline your school plans for Academic Family Engagement include services families can access at Wakefield Family Resource Center and the district level d.Academic Family Engagement Calendar and Events will be announced via…how will parents know? (newsletter, website, marquees, etc.; all of the above?)
Parents Right to Know You have the right to request: The qualifications of your child’s teacher and instructional staff Your child’s level of achievement based on required state assessments You must be informed within 4 weeks if: Your child is being taught by a teacher who does not meet the highly qualified requirements of the state All of this information must be in a language and format that is understandable to you.
Important Dates to Remember Parent Teacher Conference –Dates Student Progress Reports –Dates Updates to the school plan, the parent policy and compact –Dates Other dates
For more information or to access the school Continuous Improvement Plan Contact: School Principal at School Phone #