DIAGRAM OF HOT CAN Blow dryer Blanket + Tinfoil Can
COLD CAN DIAGRAM Can Wet Cold Sock Wet Paper Towel
GRAPH OF HOT AND COLD SYSTEM Hot can started at about 37 Degrees and as time pasted it Slowly raised and at about 21 Minutes it was the highest Temp. and at about 25 mines. It Dropped one degree. Cold can started at 23 degrees and as time Increased it went down to 20.5 degrees.
PICTURES/EXAMPLES OF HOW IT LOOKED LIKE This is a picture of how are Cold can looked like. This is a picture of how Are hot can looked like a blanket.
QUESTIONS Question: What was the total water changes in both cans? Answer: For the hot it changed 3.5 Degrees and the cold can it changed 1.3 Degrees. Question: How does the temperature in your can compare to the temperature in the control cans? Does that mean that your arrangements is working? Answer: Are hot can was at 40.5 and comparing to the controlled can it difference is 7.1 A Increase. and the cold can comparing to the controlled can its difference is 12.9 A Decrease.
QUESTIONS AND MODIFYING ARE DEVICE Question: Is this arrangement intended to help your can stay warm by conduction? How does it do that? Answer: On are cold can it was conduction, we used a wet cold sock and a frozen paper towel and another wet paper towel and it worked, and it final temperature was 20.5 degrees. The hot can was radiation and conduction, we used a blow dryer for radiation and a blanket for conduction and the temperature raised to 40.6 degrees. Modifying: we could of modified are cold can by placing it on the ground were the cold air is circulating. Hot can: we could of modify are hot can by using two blankets.