Chairs: Ginny Gleason, Parent Involvement Ginger Blair, Communications Coordinator
Agenda August 31, 2010 Welcome and Introductions 9:00-9:10 Purpose 9:10 -9:20 Review SharePoint 9:20-9:30 Discuss Parent Engagement Articles 9:30- 10:00 Timeline 10:00 -10:10 Formation of Focus Groups 10:10 – Break Into Focus Groups 10:40-10:50 Schedule Next Meeting 10:
What is Parent and Community Engagement? Family and Community Engagement contains three core principals as defined by the Harvard Family Research Project.
Family and Community Engagement 1.. Family and community engagement is a shared responsibility in which schools, businesses and community agencies are committed to reaching out to engage families in meaningful ways and in which families are committed to actively supporting their children’s learning and development.
Family and Community Engagement 2. Family engagement is continuous across a child’s life and entails enduring commitment but changing parent roles as children mature into young adulthood. ( Cradle to Career)
Parent and Family Engagement 3. Effective family engagement cuts across and reinforces learning in multiple settings where children learn—at home, in preschool programs, in school, after school programs, faith-based institutions, post secondary opportunities, and the community.
Our Mission We will define best practices for engaging community members, training educators, community members and families to support systemic, sustained, and effective family and community engagement.
G OALS Get parents more involved in their child’s school HOW? Get businesses more engaged in our schools and support employee engagement HOW? Get volunteers more involved in all schools and district offices HOW? Get other members of the community engaged in school activities HOW?
F OCUS G ROUPS 1. Business Focus Group Facilitator: Ginger Blair 2. Community Focus Group Facilitator: Ginny Gleason 3. Parent Focus Group Facilitator: Beth Windover g g
Focus Group Timeline Sept - Oct 2010 – Focus Group meetings November Focus Group meeting January Finalize Focus Group plans February Develop plan whole group March Finalize plan April Present to the Superintendent
T IMELINE May 2010 – Organizational Meeting June-July 2010 – Read materials, research, think about what our priorities should be August 2010 – Strategies and Reporting Meeting Sept.-Jan – Focus Group Meetings February 2011 – Develop plan March 2011 – Finalize plan April 2011 – Present plan to Superintendent
Meeting Dates