Team SleepBot Health 2.0
The Importance of Sleep Every year, there are over 100,000 car accidents caused by sleep deprivation, along with countless work- related accidents. Recently more and more health studies have emerged exposing the dangers of getting consistent lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation is linked not only to temporary health risks such as impaired judgment and motor skills, but to serious long term effects such as ability to heal, weakened immune system, growth impairment, obesity, heart problems, and even premature death.
What is SleepBot? “SleepBot is a resource tool for users to manage their sleep schedules over mobile applications connecting to a web-based platform.” Basic idea-- The first step to figuring out how to cope with lack of sleep is figuring out how much sleep you lack. Step 1: Track sleep activity!
Tracking works in an easy to use punch in/out format Today’s Sleep displays how much sleep you got today, including naps Current Debt displays how many hours you are away from your target sleep goal Support also provides links to further resources and websites such as the National Sleep Foundation Home Tab SleepBot for Android
Edit Entries Current Sleep Records gives you a quick snapshot of your sleep trends over the past ten days You can access the Entries Log or the Graphs page from here: Entries Tab
Entries Users can edit, insert, and delete entries Entries are tracked based on wake time basis so that there are no overlapping entries (see notes) Users can also access statistics analysis, export, and also share by or social media! Entries Log
Integration of Health Data All HHC indicators relating to sleeping habits and statistics:HHC indicators relating to sleeping habits Evaluation for obstructive sleep apnea Sufficient sleep among 9 th to 12 th graders Sufficient sleep among adults Vehicular crashes due to drowsy driving School health education – rest and sleep All HealthyPeople 2020 Sleep Health Objectives:Sleep Health Objectives SH-1: Increase the proportion of persons with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea who seek medical evaluation SH-2: Reduce the rate of vehicular crashes per 100 million miles traveled that are due to drowsy driving SH-3: Increase the proportion of students in grades 9 through 12 who get sufficient sleep SH-4: Increase the proportion of adults who get sufficient sleep
Integration of Health Data CDC Sleep and Sleep Disorders Information: CDC Sleep and Sleep Disorders Key Sleep Disorders Sleep and Chronic Disease How much Sleep Do I Need? Sleep Hygiene Tips What Should I Do If I Can’t Sleep? Resource Links
Sleep more! Dr. Charles Czeisler (Harvard Medical School, American Board of Sleep Medicine) stated that “going without sleep for 24 hours or getting only five hours of sleep a night for a week is the equivalent of a blood alcohol level of 0.1 percent,” surpassing the legal limit for driving in most countries, such as the United States. Sleep for better health!