Ashley Hodge MBA, CCP, FPP Medical University of South Carolina College of Health Professions
“Nothing seems to bring as much clarity to the function of sleep as spending a night without it.” -William Killgore
“Sleep Loss”Resident restrictionsAviation / transportation
1896 – Patrick and Gilbert First report of decreased response time Frey et al. Arithmetic
Time-on-task (Lim and Dinges, 2008) Psychomotor vigilance Progressive worsening exacerbated during fatigue Single night of sleep loss “Wake State Instability” (Doran et al., 2001) Inhibiting neurobiological systems Individual Differences Age
Hand-eye tracking Performances during sleep deprivation vs. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC): 28 hours 17 hours: BAC 0.05% After 24h wakefulness, corresponded to BAC 0.10%- Legal limit for intoxication
68.9% worked greater than 23 hours 17.5% worked continuously over 36 hours Extended Work hours
Using a mixed-methods design, the current study aims to determine the effect of acute sleep deprivation on perfusion students, during performance of clinically-relevant tasks utilizing high fidelity simulation.
Mixed methods Quantitative ▪ High Fidelity Simulation Tasks Qualitative ▪ Survey ▪ Focus Groups
n = 7 Senior Perfusion Students Age: Gender: Male: 4 Female: 3
“2 cases per day leads to exhaustion” “I have nodded off while on CPB… could have caused an accident while on CPB” “Couldn’t remember if I fed my dog” Concerned about driving home
“I do not get to see my son” “I am irritable with my significant other” “I find myself venting or lashing out at loved ones because of fatigue” “Chronic Fatigue” “Weight gain/loss”
“Sleep all weekend” “I take naps daily” “Melatonin / 5 hour energy” -Room available
Exam dates Patient work- ups End time for activities
Minute 1: Decrease in pO 2 Minute 2: Decrease in venous return Minute 3: Ventricular Fibrillation Minute 4: Protamine Dosage Calculation Minute 5: Decrease in MAP
Baseline: hours: hours: hours: 0600 (day 2)
24 hrs
Sleep loss negatively impacts our participants interpersonal relationships, their health and mental well being and caused irritability in most cases Over time, the self-assessed alertness decreased Sleep loss affects performance over time, specifically high functioning cognitive tasks
Discussion Inactivity Student participants Sample size