Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland How to unlock Form 4 after appraisal is completed for Local Administration Teams (Primary and Secondary Care)
Overview There are two possible scenarios where you (the local admin) might get asked to unlock a signed off Form 4: – To allow the Appraiser to amend Form 4; or – To allow the Appraisee to add further documents to the appraisal (MSF, PSQ etc) Both will require the unlocking of Form 4 in the first instance
Unlock a Form 4: 1.Navigate to the interview details page (remember it’s the notepad icon you need to click) 2.Click on Form 4 3.Click on Unlock Form 4 4.Enter reason for unlocking when prompted 5.Click Unlock
Enable Further Documentation Form 4 has now been successfully unlocked SOAR will Appraiser and Appraisee confirming so The unlocked Form 4 allows the Appraiser to make changes as required To enable Appraisees to add more documents to the interview, there is one more step…
On the unlocked Form 4 (from previous step) – click Enable Additional Documentation This creates a new tab, allowing the appraisee to add further documents to their appraisal as required That is all you (local admin) need to do You will not, however, be able to view any documents uploaded to the interview. That will remain confidential between appraiser and appraisee (same as submitted forms).
Further support Medical Appraisal Scotland website: – – Resources, FAQ and other useful sections Local Administration teams (in other areas): – Contact details on Medical Appraisal Scotland SOAR Helpdesk – Black “Help” box on right when logged into SOAR; – or Due to capacity issues we are unable to offer telephone support – You can request a call back via the Helpdesk – but we need detailed descriptions of the issue(s)