SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN NORTHVIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL Promoting Effort. Pursuing Integrity. Producing Excellence.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Maintained reduction in short term suspensions % reduction from % reduction from Increased Student Performance 60.7% Composite 100% Federal Annual Measurable Objectives 92.3% State Annual Measurable Objective Exceeded Growth Implemented Lunch Buddy Program – 30 Mentors Awarded 2 nd Place in NC – EverFi Ignition Certifications Career & Technology Education Department
GOALS Student Proficiency and Academic Growth 10% proficiency for all students 15% increase in proficiency in each subgroup Reduce the achievement gap between white and minority subgroups (SWD, LEP, African-American, ED) Academic growth of advanced learners Middle School Concept Pursuing Schools to Watch Recognition Relevant lessons & rubrics Common assessments & data analysis Cross-curricular instructional lessons Student leadership opportunities
GOALS Community & Parent Outreach Engaging families through student leadership opportunities Flexible meeting times & locations Exploring community partnerships Technology Integration Minimum standards for teachers Technology Framework Augmentation - Lesson enhancement
SCHOOLS TO WATCH 1.Activities for At Risk Students 2.Scientifically Based Reform Strategies 3.Highly Qualified Staff 4.Effective Instruction 5.Student Assessments 6.Family Engagement FOCUS SCHOOL 1.Social Equity 2.Organizational Structures & Processes 3.Developmentally Responsive 4.Academic Excellence 5.Community Outreach 1.Scientifically Based Reform Strategies 2.Highly Qualified Staff 3.Effective Instruction 4.Student Assessments 5.Family Engagement