New Coordinator’s Strategy Session Presented by Jesse Fry
PAFPC Conference March/April Release of preliminary allocations for upcoming school year SESSION: Title I Allocations: Understanding my Award (Kelly Gallatin)
Consolidated Application May/June Consolidated Application due on July 1. Includes Title I, Title IIA, and tentatively Title III. SESSION(logistical): Overview of Federal Programs (Maria Garcia-Morales)
Consolidated Application (cont.) SESSIONS (fiscal): Fiscal Management of Federal Programs (Technicians) Administration of Federal Programs (Don McCrone, Susan McCrone, Jesse Fry, Technicians)
Consolidated Application (cont.) SESSIONS (fiscal): (Advanced) Title I Fiscal Issues: Supplement versus Supplant, Maintenance of Effort, Comparability (Don McCrone, Erin Oberdorf)
Consolidated Application (cont.) SESSIONS (programmatic): Where to Find Answers Needed in Administering Federal Programs (Cindy Rhoads) (Advanced) Title I and RTII: Coordination and Effective Implementation (Susan McCrone)
Consolidated Application (cont.) SESSIONS (programmatic) (Advanced) Title III Program Implementation (Karl Streckewald) (Advanced) Title IIA: Improving Teacher Quality (Don McCrone)
School Improvement Implementation July/August NOTE: School Improvement provisions are not pertinent to many LEAs. Be cognizant of: PSSA scores (particularly if building is in “warning “ status from previous year),structure of your LEA, and building status from previous year.
School Improvement Implementation SESSION (Reservation of Funds): Fiscal Management of Federal Programs (Technicians)
School Improvement Implementation SESSIONS(programmatic): Surviving Title I School Improvement (Norma Hull) Implementing Effective SES Programs (Karl Streckewald) Title I Parent Involvement Legislation & Policies (Susan McCrone)
Supplement versus Supplant Integral to understanding Title I both programmatically and fiscally September-November SESSION: (Advanced) Title I Fiscal Issues: Supplement/Supplant, Maintenance of Effort, and Comparability (Don McCrone and Erin Oberdorf)
Amendment process January-March Adjustments based upon final USDE allocations and charter school enrollments SESSIONS (fiscal): Fiscal Management of Federal Programs (Technicians) Title I Allocations: Understanding my Award (Kelly Gallatin)
Additional School Improvement Funds January-March NOTE: School Improvement provisions are not pertinent to many LEAs. Fund distribution correlates to AYP status SESSION (programmatic) Surviving Title I School Improvement (Norma Hull)
Year-round activities REQUIRED – Monitoring of administered federal programs via on-site visitation. SESSION: Consolidated Program Monitoring (Susan McCrone and Kelly Iorfida)
Year-round activities (cont.) REQUIRED – Parent Involvement in Title I is mandated. Non-compliance with this component of NCLB is the most common monitoring finding. SESSION: Title I Parent Involvement Legislation & Policies (Susan McCrone)
Year-round activities (cont.) REQUIRED – Nonpublic School Involvement. NOTE: Nonpublic involvement does not pertain to all LEAs on an annual basis. Demographics and nonpublic participation are potential limiting factors. SESSION: Nonpublic School Services Workshop (Karl Streckewald)
Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL/COMPETITIVE – 21 st Century Community Learning Centers After school tutoring and enrichment. NOTE: currently being integrated into DFP SESSION: 21 st Century Community Learning Centers (Cindy Rhoads)
Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL/COMPETITIVE – Pennsylvania Comprehensive Literacy Plan SESSION: Comprehensive Literacy Plan Overview (JoBeth McKee)
Year-round activities (cont.) REQUIRED – Single Audit Process. SESSION: Single Audits: Increased Transparency & Accountability (Krista Showers, CPA)
Year-round activities (cont.) REQUIRED* - LEA coordination with Neglected and Delinquent Institutions NOTE: This is only required pending the grantee administration of the external N & D entity. SESSION: (Advanced) Keeping Up to Date with Your Title I N & D Programs (Don McCrone)
Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL – School wide programs, moving beyond targeted programs. NOTE: Building free and reduced lunch count must be 30%+ of the student population SESSION: (Advanced) Schoolwide Programs: Components and Requirements (Maria Garcia- Morales)
Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL – Strategies for LEAs to enhance parent involvement. SESSIONS: Creating Real Family Engagement (PIE Consultants & Susan McCrone) Beyond the Bake Sale (PIE Consultants & Susan McCrone)
Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL/COMPETITIVE – Preparation for competitive grant applications. SESSION: (Advanced) Effective Grant Writing Workshops (Cindy Rhoads)
General SESSION: Title I Management Strategies that Work! (Norma Hull) SESSION: Comprehensive Planning (Norma Hull and Jeff Byrum)
Contacts DIVISION ADMINISTRATION Renee Palakovic Erin Oberdorf Kelly Gallatin
Contacts (cont.) REGIONAL COORDINATORS Susan McCrone Norma Hull Virginia Baker Donald McCrone JoBeth McKee
Contacts (cont.) REGIONAL COORDINATORS (continued) Cindy Rhoads Jesse Fry Maria Garcia-Morales Karl Streckewald
Contacts (cont.) TECHNICIANS Barbara Kuhn Erin Oberdorf Kelly Iorfida Yvonne Cobb Tracy Rapisarda Daniella Care
Contacts (cont.) SUPPORT STAFF Karen Trissler Lennette Wilson Deborah Lau Katie Hodge Reba Kansiewicz