2012 Readiness Area Points Possible Points Earned Growth of English Language Learners Special Education Students in General Education Classes 10 Students Scoring Meets or Exceeds on Writing Assessment th Grade Students with a Lexile Greater Than % of Students Completing 2 or More Career Readiness Inventory % of Students with an Individual Graduation Plan Student Attendance Rate109.7 Percent of Students Passing Four Core Courses109.7 Percent of CRCT Scores at Exceeds106.3
Direction: The Sinek “Golden Circle”
Every child should receive, benefit and thrive from a world class education that prepares them for high school success.
Providing a World-Class Education for High School Success Means… The focus is on learning All students achieve high standards Instruction is engaging and rigorous Reading and writing are taught in all content areas There is a sense of belonging Schools and offices are inviting, welcoming, and customer oriented The strategic plan is accomplished by all working together
Student Learning & Performance Highly Performing Workforce Building & Sustaining Relationships with Effective Communication Effective Use of Resources Safe, Healthy, and Innovative Learning Environments
emphasis on flexible grouping, data teams, technology, and student efficacy
emphasis on impact on teacher practice, instructional development, differentiation, and family engagement
emphasis on collaboration, use of resources, and building protocols
emphasis on improved parent communication about classroom performance, involving more students in decisions of the school, and improved classroom management