Educational, Facilities, and Technical Design Big Picture Schools
Educational Design Rigor High expectations; focus on process and products Relevance Authenticity around interests Relationships Deep relationships and personalized education Distinguishers
Rigor: High Expectations Students are held and hold themselves to high expectations No Grades. No tests. No Classes. Authentic LTIs Authentic Assessments Students own their education – strong internal motivation
Relevance: Start with the student Students Follow their Interests and Passions Learning through Internships (LTIs) Students work is authentic – real world. Projects match needs and interest of the student and needs of the mentor Trips, Travel, Service Projects
Relationship: Personalization Small Communities Small schools, no more than 120 people Advisories (2-4 years) people. Personalization-One Student at A time Individual Learning Plans 4x per year Small Advisories for 2-4 years Family Engagement Families part of the Learning Plan and attend whole school functions.
Facilities Design Small communities = multiple buildings Relationships = advisories, pmu space, meeting spaces, open plans Innovation = flexibility and ability to change Social Justice = innovative work and materials
Technological Design Big Picture Online Media Center Met) Video Conferencing Goals: Collaboration, communication, sharing, critique, technological comfortbility and proficiency, democracy, and reflective practice.
Big Picture Schools Distinguishers Learning in the Real World One Student at a Time Authentic Assessment School Organization Advisory Structure Leadership School Organization Parent/ Family Engagement School/ College Partnership Professional Development