Title I Programs in Our School School Name Date and Time of Presentation
How is Title I funded? SPPS Title I Schools $$School Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP) Saint Paul Public Schools – Office of Funded Programs $$District Title I Plan State of Minnesota – Minnesota Department of Education $$State Title I Plan Federal Government – U.S. Department of Education and Congress $$ESEA/NCLB
District Programs supported by Title I School Improvement Family Engagement College and Career Readiness Project REACH Fostering Connections Neglected and Delinquent Youth Early Learning Racial Equity Research and Evaluation
There are 63 schools in SPPS receiving Title I in visit title1.spps.org/Schools for a list. title1.spps.org/Schools
Title I in the Schools Data is reviewed to determine the greatest need School teams determine how Title I funds will support these needs Site councils, parents, community members, educators provide input Students receive Title I support Student progress is assessed and evaluated
How does Title I support students? Schools also… set goals for school improvement measure student progress using Minnesota State Standards provide programs and services beyond what the district usually provides Students most in need of educational help are provided with additional support services.
School Comprehensive Improvement Plan (SCIP) All schools’ SCIPs are available at scip.spps.org/Homescip.spps.org/Home Statewide Accountability System Priority School? Focus School? Continuous Improvement School? Celebration School? Reward School?
Title I in Our School Instruction Parent Engagement Teacher Training Positive Behavior Support
Family Engagement in Title I Schools are required to plan how they will involve parents in the education of their children Each school must write, with the help of parents, a school Family Engagement Plan as part of the SCIP Copies are available and posted on the website
Family Engagement Plan The school’s Family Engagement Plan (FEP) describes how schools and families work together to help children succeed. It has three main parts: 1.Decision-making 2.Working together 3.Building capacity
Decision-making Site Council? PTO/PTA? Committee to draft FEP? Event planning? Survey?
Working Together School-Parent Compact Parent-Teacher Conferences Progress Reports Parent Portal? Other?
Building Capacity Materials and training (family nights?) Newsletters, communication Parent Academy Curriculum nights and information Teacher training on working with families Family Liaison Transitions between schools Translation and Interpretation
Top Tips for Families
Know your rights…. Request information about the qualifications of your child’s teacher. Be informed if your child is being taught for more than four consecutive weeks by a teacher not licensed in the area of instruction. See progress reports for your child and the school. Help decide if the school is meeting your child’s needs and offer suggestions for improvement.
For More Information About Title I Call the Funded Programs Office at Visit title1.spps.orgtitle1.spps.org Talk to the Principal