Grade Level Reading Online CSAP Mid-Year Assessment Provided 12/31/2014
GLR Community Self Assessment Plan (CSAP) Started in 2011 on Promise Neighborhood focus area/zip codes Expanded to entire Fresno County Birth to 3 rd Grade Challenge a subset of county for initial efforts 9 schools in 5 districts FUSD, Central, Fowler, Firebaugh Las Deltas, and Kings Canyon Initially led by FRF, with partners FCOE, First 5, FUSD, PIQE, and Reading and Beyond New leader is First 5, with above and more partners (ex: TCM)
Problem Proficiency at 3 rd grade status available (35% as of 2012) Ready for Kindergarten status available (37.5% KSEP as of 2012) Chronically absent figures available only at FUSD No Summer Learning Loss of Low Income students measured Next Steps – B3 schools initial focus, Summer Learning Measures, Chronically absent measures
Desired Outcomes and Impacts Milestones are in development now that county-wide Leverage Fresno Area Strive’s work Milestones for 2016 to be developed by June 30, 2015 Need to develop new MOUs with partners, especially with ability to share disaggregated data Need to develop infrastructure for how to house data
Strategy Doing most of the activities recommended, but not everywhere Plan to integrate community wide efforts more Promise Neighborhoods, Strive, B3, FRF High Impact, First 5, TCM, Packard supported FUSD Starting Smart and Strong Determine how to track collective progress and align efforts Position ourselves for continuous improvement
Connecting for Synergy Benefits – improved data indicators uniformity, improved school district recognition of what CBOs offer, sharing ideas, communication, funders more aligned, use of Design Cycle as a method Challenges – inconsistency of communication, overlap of initiatives and goals, lack of consistent framework across districts for chronic absence and summer learning loss Next Steps – research and implement frameworks for summer learning and chronic absence, form a structure that braids all the initiatives together, continue expanding KSEP implementation from 80% to 100% of students
Data We currently can track 8 of GLR 19 data indicators Most significant challenges in summer learning loss, parent engagement, and alignment of accredited vs non-accredited (formal vs informal) child care providers Strongly agree that we have shared accountability across the community Will focus efforts on collecting data and disaggregate sharing
Success and Sustainability We have a solid core of partners We have mobilized volunteers – estimated 425 (TCM, schools, Hands On) Volunteer activities – tutoring, mentoring, outreach, data analysis,family engagement, classroom support,advocacy, fundraising, contributing to school readiness, contributing to summer learning, contributing to school attendance