SRD Forest Protection Branch Enforcement Field Services Branch
Directors Ministry Organization Chart Area Managers
SRD Contact Offices
Area Organization Area Manager Finance/ Administration Land and RangeForestry Forest Management Forest Protection PreventionOperations Duty Officer Fish and Wildlife Management FisheriesWildlife Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Field Services
By managing wildfires, the Ministry protects the multiple benefits received from forests within the Forest Protection Area of the province. The Forest Protection Area is the area in which the Ministry has the legislated mandate to manage, suppress, and control wildfires. Wildfires are managed by: working cooperatively with municipalities, industry, and other stakeholders; supporting outreach programs that promote responsible forest management; and using the best possible science and technology to prevent and suppress wildfires. Alberta’s forests and forest communities are protected from wildfires ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Alberta’s forests and forest communities are protected from wildfires ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Strategies: 1.Provide a preparedness framework that enables the province to respond to wildfires in the Forest Protection Area. 2.Reduce the risk and damage caused by wildfires by incorporating FireSmart practices and principles, such as prescribed fire and other vegetation management techniques, in cooperation with public, industry, and local governments. 3.Respond to wildfires through a management regime that quickly contains and suppresses wildfires within the Forest Protection Area to minimize related losses. 4.Encourage wildfire prevention in Alberta’s forests through information, education, outreach, and monitoring.
Alberta’s forests and forest communities are protected from wildfires ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Performance MeasuresLast Actual ( ) Target ( ) Target ( ) Target ( ) Detection Detected wildfires reported within five minutes: By lookout By air 99% 100% 90% Response Wildfires actioned before they reach 2.0 hectares in size 93%90% Containment and Suppression Wildfires contained within the first burning period 96%90%
10 Year Averages ( ) Within the FPA: Average Number of Fires/year = 1382 Average Hectares Burned/year = 210, ha Non-Protection Area Mutual Aid Fires: Average Number of Fires/year = 23 Average Hectares Burned/year = 16,329.25
Staffing Area –Manager, Operations and Prevention Off –Wildfire Techs, Wildfire Rangers –Seasonal HAC and RAP crews Prov Forest Fire Centre –Exec Dir, Section Heads –Duty Officer
Prevention Planning Wildfire threat assessments Landscape management plans Community protection plans Agreements
Prevention Operations Fire permits April-Oct Prescribed burns Hazard reduction burns Fire investigation Cost recovery and prosecutions
Agreements/Partnerships Municipalities Federal gov’t Parks Industry Other agencies
Mutual Aide Annual plan with agreement holders Focus on contacts, roles, costs Formal request process from authorized rep NPA municipalities have designated SRD Areas
Mutual Aid Contact Zones
Presuppression Training and certification Equipment testing and procurement Safety program Weather network Contract admin Man-up/PPS (firebases, ATBs)
SRD Resources Pumps & hose Command & equipment trailers Fireline hand tools Radios Tents & camp equip Helitorch
Contracted Resources Type I (F) firefighters Heavy equipment Camps Overhead personnel/specialists Medical services
Aircraft Airtankers –GOA CL 215s –Contract land-based and water skimmers Helicopters –Contract (var terms) –Casual hire Casual hire F/W
Detection 122 lookouts Lightning locators Fixed-wing patrols Loaded rotor-wing patrols Unplanned
Suppression - IA Resources placed on standby based on fire hazard –AT, R/W, HAC, RAP, HE, FF Dispatched by Area Duty Officer Often direct attack Goal is BH by 1000
Suppression - Sustained ICS used (ICT, daily plans) Indirect attack Camps and support established Type II firefighters EOC when required
The End