Live with Urgency Seize Your Divine Moment John 9:4-5 North American Missions Emphasis
The North American Mission Board assists Southern Baptists in fulfilling the Great Commission in North America through sharing Christ, starting churches, and sending missionaries.
Giving to North American Missions Through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® for North American Missions Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® is a registered trademark of WMU ®
The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® is a primary funding channel for Southern Baptist mission endeavors in the United States, Canada, and their territories.
5,000 The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® supports the work of 5,000 North American missionaries and their ministries.
100% 100% of gifts given to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® directly supports missionaries and their ministries.
Missionaries Receiving Support Include Career Missionaries Church planting Associational missions Collegiate ministry Ministry evangelism
Missionaries Receiving Support Include Limited Term Missionaries US/C2 Summer/Semester missions Nehemiah church planters
Missionaries Receiving Support Include Mission Service Corps MSC missionaries, who raise their support among family, friends, and related churches or are otherwise self-funded, receive support through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® for training and field ministry assistance.
Why does North America need missionaries?
34 3 out of 4 people living in the United States and Canada do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Missionaries use Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® gifts to share the gospel in a variety of ways: They help start new Southern Baptist churches
Missionaries use Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® gifts to share the gospel in a variety of ways: They share Christ in resort settings and through community events
Missionaries use Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® gifts to share the gospel in a variety of ways: They minister to people’s physical needs as well as their spiritual needs
Giving to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering ® allows missionaries to obediently follow God’s call on their lives and seize divine opportunities to share the gospel.
$61 million 2008 National Goal $61 million Missionary Support 75% ($45,750,000) Church Planting Support 15% ($9,150,000) Evangelism Support 10% ($6,100,000)
Thank you for supporting North American missionaries! Live with Urgency by giving to the