Site Evaluation Questionnaire Training June 16, 2012 Westin O’Hare Rosemont, IL
Introductions Name Name Title Title School School Level of Experience with Questionnaires Level of Experience with Questionnaires
What are we covering today? Site Evaluation Questionnaire Site Evaluation Questionnaire Textual Questions Textual Questions Data Entry Data Entry Reports and Attachments Reports and Attachments Preparing the Materials Preparing the Materials Sending the Materials Sending the Materials Annual Questionnaire for 2012 – 2013 Annual Questionnaire for 2012 – 2013 Q&A Q&A
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Only completed by schools that are scheduled for a sabbatical site visit, schools applying for provisional status, or provisionally approved schools on specific years (Years 2, 4, and 5) Only completed by schools that are scheduled for a sabbatical site visit, schools applying for provisional status, or provisionally approved schools on specific years (Years 2, 4, and 5) Provisionally approved schools will complete the Limited Site Evaluation Questionnaire in Years 1 and 3 Provisionally approved schools will complete the Limited Site Evaluation Questionnaire in Years 1 and 3 Combination of data pulled from up to 3 years of Annual Questionnaires, and data entered directly into the SEQ and responses to textual questions. Combination of data pulled from up to 3 years of Annual Questionnaires, and data entered directly into the SEQ and responses to textual questions.
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Made up of 3 parts Made up of 3 parts Textual Questions Textual Questions Data Entry Data Entry Reports and Attachments Reports and Attachments
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Textual Questions Completed and printed using standard word processing Completed and printed using standard word processing A Word Version can be downloaded from the Questionnaire Website A Word Version can be downloaded from the Questionnaire Website Made up of 10 different sections: Made up of 10 different sections: 1. History of the Law School and University 2. Self Study 3. Program of Legal Education 4. Faculty 5. Students
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Textual Questions Made up of 10 different sections Made up of 10 different sections 6. Administration 7. Information Resources – Law Library 8. Computer Technology and Information Delivery 9. Law School Finances and University Support 10. Facilities
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Textual Questions The majority of textual questions are tied directly to a Standard or an Interpretation The majority of textual questions are tied directly to a Standard or an Interpretation For those questions not tied directly to a Standard or an Interpretation, the information gathered is vital to the site team For those questions not tied directly to a Standard or an Interpretation, the information gathered is vital to the site team
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Textual Questions The textual questions had minor changes this past year The textual questions had minor changes this past year NOTE: Some questions will not apply to your school. It is ok to answer N/A. NOTE: Some questions will not apply to your school. It is ok to answer N/A.
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry Additional information to supplement data from the Annual Questionnaires Additional information to supplement data from the Annual Questionnaires Feeds a number of reports needed by the Site Visit team Feeds a number of reports needed by the Site Visit team MUST be filled out using the ABAQuest website MUST be filled out using the ABAQuest website ABAQuest will be updated for 2012 in early January ABAQuest will be updated for 2012 in early January There is a link on the Questionnaire webpage for ABAQuest There is a link on the Questionnaire webpage for ABAQuest
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
Logging into ABAQuest Logging into ABAQuest Each school has an Administrator ID Each school has an Administrator ID Can set up other ids and levels of access Can set up other ids and levels of access Only ID that can do final submission of Annual Questionnaire Only ID that can do final submission of Annual Questionnaire Ids can have Ids can have Full Read/Write access to all sections of the AQ and the SEQ (default setting) Full Read/Write access to all sections of the AQ and the SEQ (default setting) Read/Write access to specific sections of the AQ and the SEQ Read/Write access to specific sections of the AQ and the SEQ
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry Made up of 6 Sections Made up of 6 Sections 1. Courses 2. Students 3. Staff 4. Fiscal 5. University Income and Expense 6. Bar Passage
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry Courses Courses Calendar Year (Spring, Summer, Fall) Calendar Year (Spring, Summer, Fall) Screen will list all full-time and part-time teaching resources that have been entered into the Profiles section of the Annual Questionnaire Screen will list all full-time and part-time teaching resources that have been entered into the Profiles section of the Annual Questionnaire
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry To add a course for a teaching resource To add a course for a teaching resource Select a faculty member name Select a faculty member name Click on “ADD COURSE” Click on “ADD COURSE” Enter at least required data (fields indicated with “*”) Enter at least required data (fields indicated with “*”) Course Title Course Title Term Term Credit Hours Credit Hours Students Students Click “SUBMIT” Click “SUBMIT”
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
To edit an existing course To edit an existing course Select a faculty member name Select a faculty member name Select a course from drop down box Select a course from drop down box Make change to course details Make change to course details Click “SUBMIT” Click “SUBMIT” To delete an existing course To delete an existing course Select a faculty member name Select a faculty member name Select a course from drop down box Select a course from drop down box Click “DELETE” Click “DELETE” Confirm Delete Confirm Delete
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
Students Students Three type of students entered using this screen Three type of students entered using this screen Entering Students (JD1s) Entering Students (JD1s) Transfer Students Transfer Students Readmitted Students Readmitted Students All students entering, transferring, or readmitted during the current and prior academic year need to be included All students entering, transferring, or readmitted during the current and prior academic year need to be included An unique student number is required for each entry An unique student number is required for each entry Doesn’t have to be SSN Doesn’t have to be SSN
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
Additional required fields for transfer students Additional required fields for transfer students Transfer Law School GPA Transfer Law School GPA Transfer Credit Hours Transfer Credit Hours Transfer Law School Transfer Law School Additional required fields for readmitted students Additional required fields for readmitted students Readmitted Law School GPA Readmitted Law School GPA First and Last Name are optional, but EXTREMELY helpful First and Last Name are optional, but EXTREMELY helpful
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
Staff Staff Screen will list all staff that have been entered into the Profiles section of the current Annual Questionnaire Screen will list all staff that have been entered into the Profiles section of the current Annual Questionnaire Teaching Faculty, Administrators, and Librarians and Staff Holding Faculty Rank Teaching Faculty, Administrators, and Librarians and Staff Holding Faculty Rank - Information to be entered Law Degree School and Year Law Degree School and Year Years of Full Time Teaching Years of Full Time Teaching Years of Full Time Practice Years of Full Time Practice Additional Graduate Degrees, Schools, and Years Additional Graduate Degrees, Schools, and Years
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
To add or edit staff information To add or edit staff information Select a staff name from the list Select a staff name from the list Enter data or change existing data Enter data or change existing data Click “SUBMIT” Click “SUBMIT”
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
Fiscal (Current Budgeted Year) Fiscal (Current Budgeted Year) These are the same questions as the Fiscal Section (Part 6) of the Annual Questionnaire These are the same questions as the Fiscal Section (Part 6) of the Annual Questionnaire Don’t have to answer the Gifts/Grants and Reserve section Don’t have to answer the Gifts/Grants and Reserve section
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
University Income and Expense University Income and Expense Current Budget Year and Last 2 Completed Fiscal Years Current Budget Year and Last 2 Completed Fiscal Years Not as detailed as the Fiscal Section, but extensive Not as detailed as the Fiscal Section, but extensive Independent law schools do not have to complete this section Independent law schools do not have to complete this section
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
Bar Passage Bar Passage Have to enter first-time bar passage data for 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, and 2007 Have to enter first-time bar passage data for 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, and 2007 Based on Interpretation Based on Interpretation Data entry fields are the same as the current Annual Questionnaire Data entry fields are the same as the current Annual Questionnaire
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data Entry
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Reports and Attachments Reports are related and receive data from: Reports are related and receive data from: The completed Annual Questionnaires for the current year and the 2 prior years The completed Annual Questionnaires for the current year and the 2 prior years The data entry section of the Site Evaluation Questionnaire The data entry section of the Site Evaluation Questionnaire Data is automatically pulled from multiple sources to complete the reports Data is automatically pulled from multiple sources to complete the reports
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Reports and Attachments
Attachments are related to the textual questions found in the Site Evaluation Questionnaire Attachments are related to the textual questions found in the Site Evaluation Questionnaire There are 3 types of attachments: There are 3 types of attachments: General – sent to all site visit members and the ABA General – sent to all site visit members and the ABA Supplementary – sent to site visit chair, specific member(s) of the team, and the ABA Supplementary – sent to site visit chair, specific member(s) of the team, and the ABA On-site – made available for team members during the visit. Copies are sent to the ABA. On-site – made available for team members during the visit. Copies are sent to the ABA.
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Preparing the Materials Textual Questions should go together Textual Questions should go together Put each of the 10 sections of the textual questions within their own tab with a table of contents at the beginning of the materials Put each of the 10 sections of the textual questions within their own tab with a table of contents at the beginning of the materials All reports and attachments should go together by section All reports and attachments should go together by section 3-ring binders are a good thing 3-ring binders are a good thing
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Sending the Materials All the materials are due 4-6 weeks before the site visit All the materials are due 4-6 weeks before the site visit Hard Copies Hard Copies 1 full set mailed to the ABA in Chicago 1 full set mailed to the ABA in Chicago 1 copy on DVD or flash drive 1 copy on DVD or flash drive 1 set to each Site Team member 1 set to each Site Team member 2 full sets to AALS (if applicable) 2 full sets to AALS (if applicable) At least 1 full set on-site for the Site Team’s use At least 1 full set on-site for the Site Team’s use Electronic Copies Electronic Copies There is no online data submission; however Site Team members might request an electronic copy of the Textual questions There is no online data submission; however Site Team members might request an electronic copy of the Textual questions
Site Evaluation Questionnaire Sending the Materials Mailing Address for the Office of the Consultant on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar Mailing Address for the Office of the Consultant on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar Attn: Site Visit Administrations 321 North Clark Street Chicago, IL 60654
Annual Questionnaire for 2012 – 2013 The Annual Questionnaire is due October 31, 2012 The Annual Questionnaire is due October 31, 2012 If you have a Fall 2012 visit, you are required to complete all of the Annual Questionnaire except for the October 1 st enrollment prior to mailing the materials to the Site Team If you have a Fall 2012 visit, you are required to complete all of the Annual Questionnaire except for the October 1 st enrollment prior to mailing the materials to the Site Team If the visit takes place after October 1, the enrollment figures from October 1 should be made available to the Site Team members during the visit If the visit takes place after October 1, the enrollment figures from October 1 should be made available to the Site Team members during the visit If the visit takes place before October 1, an enrollment “as of date” should be agreed upon by the school and the team chair and should be made available to the Site Team members. If the visit takes place before October 1, an enrollment “as of date” should be agreed upon by the school and the team chair and should be made available to the Site Team members.
Annual Questionnaire Changes for 2012 – 2013 Complete review of Annual Questionnaire Complete review of Annual Questionnaire Modifications and elimination of questions in each section Modifications and elimination of questions in each section Redesigned and re-edited Instructions Redesigned and re-edited Instructions
Annual Questionnaire Changes for 2010 – 2011
Where can I get help? ABAQuestionnaire Listserve ABAQuestionnaire Listserve and click on Questionnaire link and click on Questionnaire link Contact Ken Williams at or Contact Ken Williams at or Contact Bojan Stankovic at or 312/ Contact Bojan Stankovic at or 312/