EMILY’s List Bianca Staub
It makes the dough rise! EMILY’s list is a powerful P.A.C “Supporting pro-choice Democratic women running for congress and governor”. They raise funds for women’s campaigns, supporting politicians running for congress, as well as state and local offices. With over two million members, it is one of the largest P.A.Cs in the US.
History EMILY’s list was founded in 1985 by 25 women, lead by Ellen Malcom. It has major grassroots origins, with these women initially sending their friends and colleagues asking for help electing democratic women to Congress. In 1986, they helped Barbara Mikulski of Maryland become the first Democratic woman senator. Since their founding, EMILY’s List has helped elect 10 governors, 19 senators, 101 representatives, 507 state and local officials.
“We envision a world where women are equally represented at all levels of government, and achieve the highest leadership positions with our legislative and executive bodies; the influence of women office holders leads to the adoption of a host of progressive public policies to ensure that women have equal opportunities at home, in the workplace, and in the public sphere; our community of millions of engaged women and men ensure that the voice of women is heard and their power is celebrated.” -EMILY’s List website
Issues EMILY’s List is dedicated to helping elect pro-choice Democratic women. At the moment, they are supporting Wendy Davis in her run for governor of Texas. Wendy Davis became a famous pro-choice activist after her successful 13 hour filibuster of a Texas abortion bill.
Membership Friends of EMILY’s List – Pledge monthly donations, anything $5 up. Majority Council Members – These members give anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 a year. Principle and Major Gifts – EMILY’s List can accept unlimited amounts through their Non-Federal or WOMEN VOTE! Accounts.
Mobilization Through the WOMEN VOTE! Super PAC, EMILY’s List mobilizes women to get out and vote in elections of all levels, as well as joining in various marches and protest, such as the March for Women’s Lives.
Website emilyslist.org Organized and colorful Slideshows of current events List of their victories, as well as a slideshow of their history