Would the Real Mother Please Stand Up? A portrait of Motherhood from an unconventional story I Kings 3:16-28
1) There’s no such thing as a perfect mother (v.16) Rebekah (Gen. 27:5-45) Mrs. Zebedee (Mt. 20:20-24) Mary (Lk. 2:41-50)
2) Mothers need the help of fathers (v.17-18) “parents” (II Cor. 12:14) “father and mother” (Eph. 6:1-3)
3) Motherhood brings big challenges (v.19-22) Before birth (Jud. 13:2-14) After birth (Jud. 14:1-3) “a burden” (Pr. 31:1)
4) God has solutions for a mother’s problems (v.23-25) Bible (II Tim. 3:16-17) Prayer (Mt. 15:21-28)
5) Loving mothers are willing to sacrifice (v.26-27) Jochebed (Ex. 2:1-3) Hannah (I Sam. 1:26-28) Mary (Jn. 19:25-30)
The Plan of Salvation Hear the Word (Rm. 10:17)Hear the Word (Rm. 10:17) Believe with Heart (Jn. 3:16)Believe with Heart (Jn. 3:16) Confess with Mouth (Mt. 10:32)Confess with Mouth (Mt. 10:32) Repent of Sins (II Pet. 3:9)Repent of Sins (II Pet. 3:9) Baptism in Water (Rm. 6:3-4)Baptism in Water (Rm. 6:3-4) Remain Faithful (Rev. 2:10)Remain Faithful (Rev. 2:10) Erring: Repent & Pray (Ac. 8:22)Erring: Repent & Pray (Ac. 8:22)