Welcome to 4th Grade!
“Teachers and students go hand-in-hand as learners… or the don’t go at all.” -Barth, Learning by Heart (2001)
Our Mountain Lions, Lean Mean Learning Machines!
Meadow Ridge is striving to create a collaborative culture that… 1.Focuses on Learning rather than teaching. 2.We collaborate as a Grade level Team and plan alongside our greater Meadow Ridge Team including ESL & Resource, Reading and Math specialists. 3. Create a culture of care, for you, each other and our kids!
The BIG ideas of a Collaborative Culture 1.We accept learning as the fundamental purpose of our school and we examine all practices in light if their impact on learning. 2.We are committed to working together to achieve our collective purpose and we cultivate a collaborative culture through developing high performing teams. 3.We assess our effectiveness on the basis of results rather than intentions. Individuals, teams, and schools see relevant data and information and use it to continuously improve.
Reading & Math “What I Need” or WIN time! 3o minutes of daily targeted learning time in reading, in addition to the 150 minute Literacy Block 3o minutes of daily targeted learning time in reading, in addition to the 150 minute Literacy Block 20 minute of daily targeted math in addition the math block.. 20 minute of daily targeted math in addition the math block.. For all students 3rd – 5 th grade no matter where they fall on the continuum of learning. For all students 3rd – 5 th grade no matter where they fall on the continuum of learning. Flexible and fluid based upon individual student needs. Flexible and fluid based upon individual student needs.
Don’t be late, your learning can’t wait! At 7:55 students enter classrooms, and we want them too! Please do your best to get them here between 7:45-7:50 as class begins at 8:00. At 7:55 students enter classrooms, and we want them too! Please do your best to get them here between 7:45-7:50 as class begins at 8:00. Pledge of allegiance/announcements Pledge of allegiance/announcements 8:00 Learning begins 8:00 Learning begins 11:00 -11:30 or 11:30-12:00 Lunch/Recess 11:00 -11:30 or 11:30-12:00 Lunch/Recess 2:30 Students are dismissed. 2:30 Students are dismissed.
Building a community of Readers and Writers! Daily schedule Daily schedule Establishing routines Establishing routines Classroom culture of Care Classroom culture of Care Expectations/Classroom management Expectations/Classroom management Healthy Snacks Healthy Snacks Birthday celebrations: No food, gifts but feel free to donate a book in your child’s honor to our classroom library! Birthday celebrations: No food, gifts but feel free to donate a book in your child’s honor to our classroom library!
Reading Workshop Utilizes the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model. Utilizes the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model. This is the backbone of the workshop model. This is the backbone of the workshop model. I do… you watch, listen & learn. I do… you watch, listen & learn. We do…Together. We do…Together. You do with a partner or small group. You do with a partner or small group. You do…Independently! You do…Independently!
Readers Workshop: Structure MINI -LESSON Read Aloud with explicit modeling of strategies. Read Aloud with explicit modeling of strategies. Guided Reading Guided Reading 1:1 Conferences 1:1 Conferences Independent daily reading Independent daily reading Shared learning Shared learning
Roles and responsibilities of Workshop Students will… Read/WriteShareListenDiscussReflect Live and grow as a reader/writer Teachers will… Share Model Monitor Track Listen Live and grow as a reader/writer
How Writers Work… Same Structure Mini-Lesson: I teach, you listen/learn. Independent writing Small group instruction conferencing Partner time Share out =60 minute block
Our students will be designing their own reader’s and writer’s notebooks. Our students will be designing their own reader’s and writer’s notebooks. Take a look… Take a look… When the time comes, we’d love to have your help in sending in items they can use to decorate their notebooks. When the time comes, we’d love to have your help in sending in items they can use to decorate their notebooks. Writer’s Notebook…
Portable writer’s notebooks are used to record noticings, wonderings, observations, sketches, conversations, ideas. Portable writer’s notebooks are used to record noticings, wonderings, observations, sketches, conversations, ideas. Students need a pen or pencil to carry along with their notebooks Students need a pen or pencil to carry along with their notebooks Author, Lester Laminack calls his idea notebook a “Spy Notebook.” He never leaves home without without his secret weapon … his pen and something to write about. Author, Lester Laminack calls his idea notebook a “Spy Notebook.” He never leaves home without without his secret weapon … his pen and something to write about. Idea Notebooks
Additional Information Additional Balanced Literacy Information Can be found on our Website Additional Balanced Literacy Information Can be found on our Website
Math Block Aligned Math Curriculum. Aligned Math Curriculum.. Math Scope & Sequence. Math Scope & Sequence Math Scope & Sequence Math Scope & Sequence Program features Program features Skills practice: IXL can be accessed at home on their iPad. Skills practice: IXL can be accessed at home on their iPad. Home and school partnership: Home and school partnership:
Specials Library will be flexed this year and students may check out books during Independent Reading time. Computer lab: 1x week for 50 minutes. Music: 2x’s week for 30 minutes Art: 1x a week for 1 hour PE: 2x’s week for 30 minutes
Communication is Key! I am here because I love kids. I want to make a difference in their lives and impact them in a positive way. I am here because I love kids. I want to make a difference in their lives and impact them in a positive way. If you ever have a problem, question or concern, please let me know. If you ever have a problem, question or concern, please let me know. If I don’t know or am not aware, I can’t help you or your child. If I don’t know or am not aware, I can’t help you or your child.