Visual Rhetoric Project BY MICAELA PERKINS
Background Information WWF: The World Wildlife Fund, created this ad, as well as many others to show the importance of keeping the Rainforest alive, as well as the animals that live there.
Intention What was the purpose of this ad? The purpose of this ad can be taken 2 ways. One more dominant than the other. The text at the bottom of the ad reads “Don’t cut the rainforest!” For some people, you may think that means save the rainforest, protect the trees, right? Well others may think that since the parrot is sitting on veins of the forearm of a human, it could mean don’t cut your wrists. WWF meant it to mean preserve the rainforest, with a clever twist of the wrist in there, but this ad really has a double meaning.
Layout Foreground: In the foreground, there is a bright colored parrot, where all your attention is drawn. Background: In the background is a forearm, with bulging veins. The veins could signify what gives life to the body, as well as something very fragile, or easily harmed. Omission: What’s being omitted in the ad? What is the significance of it? – The rest of the arm is being omitted from this ad, to show more placement of the veins.
Audience Who was the intended audience? The intended audience of this ad is anyone and everyone who wishes to keep our planet safe and protected from the anti- environmentalists.
Focus What is the significance of the parrot and veins being focused on the most clearly? Would the ad have the same effect without the veins or parrot, either one? It shows how the veins function to keep the human alive, as well as it signifying a branch for the bird to live on. Yes, without the parrot or the veins, it would not show the connection between the two.
Symbolism What’s symbolized in the ad? The veins are symbolized as two things in the ad: the main factor in keeping your body alive, letting your blood reach all your extremities, as well as symbolizing a tree branch for the parrot to live on, what the bird depends on to stay safe. The phrase at the bottom: “Don’t cut the rain forest” shows how the trees in the rain forest are so important to the animals, helping them live, just like our veins help us survive as well.
Technique Color: The color in the ad is very important. The flesh color of the arm is not noticed as well as the bright colors of the parrot. You are drawn to look at the parrot first because its color pops against the flesh colored arm. Emphasis: The emphasis of the ad is the parrot perched on the vein of the arm, because it sends its central message of what the vein symbolizes. Font: Does the font size or color have any affect on the audience? Would it have made a difference if it was bigger?
Ethos Is the creator of this ad reliable and credible after you have viewed this picture? Yes, the creator of this ad is reliable, because the WWF know about the endangered Rainforests, which in turn is also endangering the animals. They understand what they’re displaying.
Logos Is the message being sent by the creator logical? Is it true? Yes, the ad is definitely logical, due to the fact that in today’s society all our culture is concerned about is the bettering and development of business and advancement in society. Making more money, which sometimes can be dangerous for our environment.
Pathos The emotional impact this ad has on its audience is that of we need to protect our environment, which in turn helps our animals, which we all depend on for a healthy world. What emotional impact does this ad have on the audience?
Bibliography 3-really-cool-advertisements/ 3-really-cool-advertisements/