The African Rainforest
What is causing the rainforests of Africa to disappear? Road construction and slash-and-burn farming have wiped out 90% of West Africa’s rainforest.
What is the name of the tribe that lives in the rainforest? The Pygmies is the tribe that lives in the rainforest. They are hunters and gatherers and they depend on the ecological ways of the rainforest environment.
Meat is easier to come by in the United States than in the rainforests. List all the different animals they get meat from. Their meat comes from…. a small antelope, cane rats, forest buffalo, rainforest fish.
List and describe four different animals The Black Colobus monkey is a black and white monkey you might know as Zaboomafoo! The Elephant is a monster!! It has 2 tusks and is a grayish-blue color. The Gorilla is a black, hairy man like animal. They could be as tall as 5ft. 9in.!! The Pygmy hippo weighs around 4
Here are the animals!!
One plant in the rainforest is used widely throughout the world: in fact you may have it in your house. What is the name of the plant? Describe it. The name of the plant is Mahogany. It is a type of wood that is used all over the world. It is used for ; building staircases, flooring, furniture, boat building and paneling.
What is the climate like in the rainforest? Average rainfall? Average temperature? The average rainfall is inches each year. The tempatures are 80 degrees and lowest at 70 degrees.
List the countries that have rainforests in them. Burundi Cameroon Central African Republic Cote d’Ivoire Congo Brazzaville Equatorial Guinea Gabon Ghana Guinea Liberia Nigeria, Congo Kinshasa Rwanda, Sierra Leone
What are the main reason rainforests are being cut down? For ……. farming land, homes, buildings, and other human needs
The African rainforest grows in the Congo River basin. What large river runs through the basin? The Congo River
List and describe three types of vegetation found in the rainforest. They are Cape Floral, Oil Palms, and Mahogany is just three types of vegetation. Scientists have identified just 10% of the plants living in the Congo rainforest. The oil palm is used for making goods ranging from iron plates and lubricating grease to chocolate, candles to soap. Mahogany is one of the most commercially popular woods from the African rainforest.
By: Kellie Matthews