Later Years Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) & Vocation Education and Training (VET)
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL): The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is accredited at three award levels: Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Foundation) Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Intermediate) Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Senior). The three levels reflect the progression in skills, knowledge and attitude development of skills. Mildura Specialist School offers Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Foundation)
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL): Compulsory: Literacy Numeracy Work Related Skills Personal Development Skills Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology Electives: Certificate II in Horticulture or Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations)
Literacy: STRUCTURE Two units exist at each level: Literacy Skills Foundation Reading and Writing Unit Literacy Skills Foundation Oral Communication Unit
Literacy Skills Foundation Reading and Writing Unit Summary of learning outcomes 1. Writing for Self Expression Write a short recount, narrative or expressive text on a familiar subject. 2. Writing for Practical Purposes Write a short instructional or transactional text on a familiar subject. 3. Writing for Knowledge Write a short report or explanatory text on a familiar subject. 4. Writing for Public Debate Write a short persuasive and/or argumentative text expressing a point of view on a familiar subject. 5. Reading for Self Expression Demonstrate that meaning has been gained from reading a simple narrative, recount or expressive text. 6. Reading for Practical Purposes Demonstrate that meaning has been gained from reading a simple instructional or transactional text. 7. Reading for Knowledge Demonstrate that meaning has been gained from reading a simple explanatory or informative text on a familiar subject. 8. Reading for Public Debate Demonstrate that meaning has been gained from reading a simple persuasive or discursive text on a familiar subject.
Literacy Skills Foundation Oral Communication Unit Summary of learning outcomes 1. Oracy for Self Expression Use and respond to spoken language to explore with others story and life experience. 2. Oracy for Knowledge Use and respond to spoken language in talks or discussions that present information about familiar topics. 3. Oracy for Practical Purposes Use and respond to spoken language in short transactions in familiar contexts. 4. Oracy for Exploring Issues and Problem Solving Use and respond to spoken language in discussions to explore issues or solve problems on a familiar topic.
Literacy Literacy Skills Foundation Reading and Writing Learning Outcome 3 Learning Outcome 5 Literacy Skills Foundation Oral Communication Learning Outcome 1 Learning Outcome 2 Learning Outcome 3 Learning Outcome 4
Numeracy Skills Summary of learning outcomes 1. Numeracy for Practical Purposes – Design Can use everyday informal language of shape, size, colour and other commonly used attributes to identify and recognise shapes in the context of their common usage and application. 2. Numeracy for Practical Purposes – Measuring Can use familiar simple measurements of length, mass, capacity and temperature to compare or measure materials or objects in personal situations. 3. Numeracy for Personal Organisation – Money and Time Can identify and use familiar everyday numbers, and units of money and time to make decisions about money and time in personal situations. 4. Numeracy for Personal Organisation – Location Can use simple everyday language of location to give and follow informal oral directions. 5. Numeracy for Interpreting Society – Data Can use simple everyday tables and graphs to interpret public information which is of personal relevance or interest. 6. Numeracy for Interpreting Society – Numerical Information Can use simple everyday numbers and figures to interpret information which is in texts of personal relevance or interest.
Numeracy LEARNING OUTCOME 1 Numeracy for Practical Purposes – Design Can use everyday informal language of shape, size, colour and other commonly used attributes to identify and recognise shapes in the context of their common usage and application. LEARNING OUTCOME 4 Numeracy for Personal Organisation – Location Can use simple everyday language of location to give and follow informal oral directions.
Personal Development Skills STRUCTURE Two units exist at each level: Unit 1 focuses on the development of appropriate knowledge, skills and attributes in relation to: self personal organisation and planning skills problem solving and interpersonal skills. This can be achieved through participation in activities related to person, health and wellbeing, educational, social or family experiences of a practical nature. Unit 2 focuses on the development of appropriate knowledge, skills and attributes in relation to: community engagement social awareness interpersonal skills planning and organisational skills. This can be achieved through participation in experiences of a practical nature within the community.
Personal Development Personal Development Skills Unit 2 LEARNING OUTCOME 1 Identify the rights and responsibilities of individuals in a community. LEARNING OUTCOME 2 Plan and organise a simple activity within a community. LEARNING OUTCOME 3 Communicate information about a social issue or community activity. LEARNING OUTCOME 4 Communicate effectively to resolve problems related to a social issue or community activity. LEARNING OUTCOME 5 Demonstrate teamwork skills or work effectively as a group/team member. a social issue or community activity.
Work Related Skills UNIT INFORMATION: Work Related Skills Unit 1 Work Related Skills Unit 1 at each VCAL level is designed to achieve learning outcomes important for OH&S, employability skills and the development of career goals. Work Related Skills Unit 2 Work Related Skills Unit 2 at each VCAL level is designed to achieve learning outcomes important for work related skills, employability skills and career goals.
Work Related Skills Work Related Skills Unit 2 LEARNING OUTCOME 1 Prepare for a simple work related activity. LEARNING OUTCOME 2 Communicate basic work related ideas and information. LEARNING OUTCOME 3 Plan, organise and manage a basic work related activity. LEARNING OUTCOME 4 Identify and solve a problem relevant to a simple work related activity. LEARNING OUTCOME 5 Work in a team to complete a simple work related activity. LEARNING OUTCOME 6 Use information and communications technology in relation to a simple work related activity.
Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology Total number of units required for successful completion= 14 7 core units plus 7 elective units 2013 Core units BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes BSBSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ICAWEB201A Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement Elective units CUFDIG303A Produce and prepare photo images ICPMM321C Capture a digital image
Elective Subject/Certificate Certificate II in Horticulture Successful completion of fifteen (15) units made up of two (2) core units and thirteen (13) elective units. Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) Total number of units required for successful completion= core units plus 5 elective units