Heritage Lottery Fund Planning your heritage project & our small grants programmes
conserve the UK’s diverse heritage for present and future generations to experience and enjoy; help more people, and a wider range of people, to take an active part in and make decisions about their heritage; and help people to learn about their own and other people’s heritage Our strategic aims are to:
Recent changes increased Lottery sales and change in Lottery shares have increased HLF budgets from 2011 onwards increased competition batched decision meetings
Is HLF the right funder for you? is it a project? is there a heritage focus? are there learning and participation activities? is the applicant a constituted, non-profit organisation?
What we don’t fund projects with no heritage focus or merit general running costs core business or responsibilities (e.g. routine repairs) DDA works existing staff costs rent or loan payments; mortgages business plans, options appraisals, feasibility work project continuation costs travel abroad
Young Roots At a glance… grants of £3,000 - £25,000 young people aged between years old aimed at youth and community organisations heritage & youth partnership decision in approx 10 weeks online application form
Turning Pages The Paper Birds Theatre Company were awarded a grant of £4, young people developed skills in interviewing and research to explore the history of the library members of the library’s older people’s forum were interviewed to gather their memories of the library and local community a live performance took place and a DVD and education pack were created
Your Heritage At a glance… grants of £3,000 - £50,000 capital or activity project project based / additionality decision in approx 10 weeks online application form
Bradford’s Lost Ancient Woodland Bradford Environmental Action Trust were awarded £8,000 trained volunteers in research and conservation skills raised awareness of local ancient woodland and provided opportunities for the community to engage with their natural heritage ancient woodlands recorded and preserved
We will also assess: the need / demand for your project the quality of the project (and if well thought out) how you will manage it, during and after completion how you will measure success if your project is financially viable and good value for money How we assess your application
Common Rejection Reasons Aims not a heritage project does not meet aims all capital works Group project continuation failure to evidence skills and expertise Need and demand is it an appropriate response to the needs of the target audience? who have you spoken to about the project?
Project costs & partnership funding cannot match Lottery monies unrealistic partnership funding value for Money balance of costs failure to scope the project high proportion of overheads Common Rejection Reasons
Plan your project before you apply The idea The goals Task list Timeline
Example goals and steps GOALSTEPS Produce an exhibition on the village’s local history to be displayed in the village hall Research material for exhibition Who will do this? Volunteers of researcher Filter relevant information for exhibition Will you have a smaller group to make decisions? Design panel Volunteers with help form a professional/all professional Costs of producing exhibition display Get quotes & decide who to use Get exhibition made Install exhibition Promote, launch and run exhibition Celebration event
Completing the form describe what you want to do clearly avoid buzzwords, jargon and vague language ask someone who does not know your project to read your draft application form ask a colleague to check the finance section make sure your declaration is signed by your chairperson etc (not the main contact)
Top Tips make sure you read the programme guidance and help notes explain how your project meets HLF’s aims clearly describe your project and the heritage focus assume no prior knowledge don’t develop a project in isolation be realistic get advice!!!
Yorkshire & The Humber Development Team Heritage Lottery Fund 4 th Floor, Carlton Tower 34 St Paul’s Street Leeds, LS1 2QB Telephone: Website: